Monday 2 April 2018

Dominic's Toddler Room Transition

We have been working for the last month or so to get our guest room cleared out and set up as a Toddler Room for Dominic. 
Finally, today was the day we were able to get his dresser mounted and move the last of his things over and get it all set up!

We have played in the room before, but we spent a while this afternoon hanging out in there and showing him that all his familiar things had been brought from the other room. 

Bedtime tonight Dom didn't even seem to notice anything different, although he's never slept in this crib before and it's almost twice the size of his old crib. Why is he so easy?! Don't worry. I know we're super lucky and our next baby will probably be 100x more difficult. 

While we were hanging out, we did a little photo-shoot with Dom, starting downstairs and making our way up. This post is pretty much just for me to express my gratitude for my beautiful baby boy. I can't believe he's mine!

To start, here are a few pictures from my phone of the new room :)

Now on to the real photos!

Can I just brag about his RIDICULOUS lips for a second?

Weird goofy grin in this one

Trying to turn on his sound machine how Mom & Dad do it

Squishing into a tiny gap...

Stage 1: So proud of myself!

Stage 2: Mom, I think I'm stuck

Stage 3: Mom, rescue me! I'm definitely stuck!

Stage 4: Cuddles with my blankie

This picture and the one before it are proof that Dom has some hair, it's just VERY blonde!

Checking out his new digs

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