Thursday 12 April 2018

Thankful Thursday - 128

Aside from being off work, this week I am thankful for...

1. Toddler Activities! Dom is very into pots and pans and pretending to cook and matching the lids up. That's fine for me until I need quiet time. I went to the Dollar Store the other day and picked up a bunch of stuff to put together some "Quiet Time" activities for him for when new baby comes. First on the docket, pom pom eater! Just a yogurt container with a hole cut in it and some pom poms, but it kept him busy for quite a while the first day! I used it instead of a TV show as wind-down time before nap the next day. WIN!

Dom & Sherlock being best friends. Haha! They've already started teaming up on me to go outside for walks and stuff. Dom will get Sherlock all riled up with the ball and/or the chuck-it, because they both equally enjoy getting out to do some chasing. Sherlock is just so amazing with Dom. He's better than I ever expected. I expected tolerance, but he is beyond patient and gentle with him. Kind soul <3

2. A lovely time on our Babymoon! For the record, don't tell the border guards you're going on a babymoon. Our lady had NO idea what we were talking about haha! Below are a few pictures from David's camera instead of my phone. Real pictures! :)

I told Dave I felt like wearing the vest hid the fact that I'm super pregnant. Clearly I was wrong. Also, some lady randomly stopped us in a book-store to fawn over my belly. "You are the MOST adorable pregnant person! I just can't get over how cute your belly looks!" as she air-rubs it a foot or so away. Um... thanks?! Haha Just minding my own business over here!

3. A built-in table. The only downside of this table is that it tries to knock everything off of it!

4. Sweetlegs! I hosted another sweetlegs party last night and picked up a few more pairs for myself. Do I need more leggings? NO! However, since the day I found out I was pregnant with this baby (August 29, 2017) I have worn sweetlegs every. single. day. That's how I justify it! Haha

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