Thursday 27 June 2019

Thankful Thursday - 186

Okay. This week will be much less complain-y than last week! I'm thankful for...

1. We are healthy!!! Other than a couple residual coughs, we are all back to normal sleeping, eating, energy and temperaments! Hooray for routine!!

2. Self care. This past weekend I hit a bit of a bottom. I actually had to ask for help (big deal for me because I'm stubborn and proud... we'll deal with that another day haha). My parents took Emilia for an afternoon and overnight. Dave and I tried to hang out a bit together, but mostly I took up a new hobby doing lettering! I go through phases: knitting, crocheting, scrap-booking, card-making, and now lettering! I have a lot to learn, but it's fun so far!

My first completely original idea that I came up with when I woke up in the morning and realized I have no idea what I'm doing. Does anyone really?

Awaiting some special paper and aquabrush to properly suit my Dual Tombow markers. In the meantime, I discovered you can do some blending with Crayola markers! No worries about wrecking these things! 

3. My own health. I think because I do typically put a lot of effort in to self-care, I am in the best shape I've ever been in. Don't hate me... I don't actually work out. I think walking the dog every day and chasing two toddlers around and keeping the house clean is my workout. I want to find my fitbit; I bet I get TONS of steps every day. I eat well because I want the kids to eat well and don't have time to snack, we don't eat out because $$$$, I don't drink alcohol nearly as often because $$$$. I lost about 10 pounds in the last 6 months which shocked me enough that I went to the doctor, but it looks like all is well. I actually have biceps and there's a 6-pack there (though it's covered in stretch marks). I have a picture, but it's embarrassing so I'll spare you. 
Anyway, it took me almost 28 years, but I'm actually really happy and confident with my body right now! 

Dominic - 2.5 Years

For now I'm doing semi-annual updates for Dominic. He is growing up so much, so fast. He is a boy now. He's as big as, or bigger, than his 4/5 year old friends, and is talking non-stop, using his imagination and showing empathy and kindness. 

Here is a picture of Dom at 2.5 years, followed by a couple older ones to compare!

I tried to get him to pose with his hands under his chin. So close, but way more adorable this way.

Quick & Dirty photoshop of his pictures 1 year -> 18 months -> 2 years -> 2.5 years

Weight: 36 lb (95th percentile! First time he's been under the 100+ in almost two years!)
Height: 3ft 2in (90th percentile)

  • Favorite toys: cars. No matter what he's playing with, cars get involved. Lego? Build a garage! Paw patrol? Driving them in their cars! Sensory bucket? Better bring the cars! He plays a lot of "parking lot", where he drives the cars with all the car sounds and then parks them in a neat, very particular line up. If we play too and park a car backwards he says, "Ummm... maybe not backwards," and fixes it.
  • Routine. This boy knows what to expect in a week, and is very sad that Tot Romp is over!
  • His people. He lights up when he sees our families and his little friends. He is growing to be more confident all the time. 

  • The usual toddler things: sharing, being left in the church nursery, being told no. 

  • He is wearing size 4T and 5T clothing depending on the brand. He can sometimes squeeze into 3T bottoms as well. Size 8 shoes, but he still has fat feet so we have a hard time finding shoes that work. 
  • He's still in diapers; size 6. He has no interest in potty training, but I'm not in a rush. I pretty much expect to do Dom and Emilia at the same time; she'll likely be ready long before him.
  • We haven't taken him to the dentist yet, but I believe he has all his teeth he should have right now! Nice break from teething.
  • I sort of wonder if he has some asthma or something. Whenever he gets sick he gets it way worse in the chest than the rest of us. He actually was prescribed a puffer a few weeks ago when he was sick. When he runs he does get a little huffy and cough-y. Here's hoping it's something he outgrows. David would be devastated.
  • He talks a lot. Like non stop. This would surprise many people because when we're out he's quite shy with new people. But seriously... he doesn't stop! We have an adorable narrator for our lives.
  • No sense in writing down the words he knows anymore. His vocabulary is huge and getting clearer every day. He is randomly understanding new concepts though, for example, "Mommy, I see a big digger! Oh, but it's in the background... wayyyyyyy over there!" - that is literally a sentence he'll say. So many words!
  • He is very passive with other kids. If we're at Tot Romp and some kid comes to snatch his toy he sort of steps back and stares, almost daring them to take it. If they do take it he just moves on. If he's going for a toy and another kid runs in and gets to it first he just casually turns around and comes back. I'm glad, because he's a big kid. He could do some damage if he wanted to. (Emilia knows all about Dom losing his cool...)
  • While he often doesn't like sharing and has a good little tantrum, he occasionally flips a switch and becomes the sweetest little human. All the "please", "thank you", "excuse me", "here you go," etc. 
  • He is empatheticIf Emilia is sad in the car he will put his hand over into her lap and just hold her leg or hold her hand. If we're at home he'll bring her whatever he thinks she needs, even if he is using it (during a nice streak). If one of us is sick or coughing he'll come and say, "Mommy, feel better." If I stub my toe or bonk my head he says, "Oh oh! Mommy needs the boo boo bag!"
  • He has started asking to come out of the stroller and walk during our walks. This doesn't work great for us. When we go for a walk it's usually to walk the dog, which means not going at toddler pace. We give him a snack and a couple cars and "forget his shoes" to keep him in the stroller. 
  • He is cautious. Emilia is bringing out some of the adventure and confidence in him, but he is typically quite calculated and cautious. Typical first child, haha! She will be climbing tall things (like a ladder...) and instead of taking a turn, Dom just stands there and cheers her on. Oh the next few years should be fun.
  • He knows so. many. cars. It is honestly so impressive and outrageous. If he gets a new Hot Wheels car he grabs it and right away looks at the headlights and tail lights and then identifies it. If it's one he "should" know, he gets it. If it's not one he's familiar with he makes a very educated guess. He honestly corrects me quite a bit when we're out. 
  • He also knows many Star Wars characters. He's never really watched it, but he has books and action figures. David is training him well.
  • He knows his alphabet. Not in any particular order, but if he sees a letter he knows what it is, or what it stands for.
  • He can count to 10. Sometimes 11, but then jumps to 14. 
  • A few weeks ago he very suddenly (like overnight) became a champion eater. He will eat anything we put on his plate. He ate more chili than I did the other night. He still has his favorites (quesadilla, toast and jam, yogurt, etc.), but I no longer stress that he's not going to eat enough during the day.
  • He's started calling himself Dominic instead of Dom. Emilia has also graduated from Yaya to "Weelia". 
  • He can recognize his name if we write D-O-M. 
  • He is still in his crib. He sleeps so darn well, I'm just not ready to risk that being messed up! All his friends are in toddler beds though.

A Typical Day:

Some of his little friends around his age are starting to drop their naps. I'm not ready for that! Luckily, I don't think he is either. He doesn't nap as long as he used to during the day, but when Emilia goes to bed he so enjoys his alone time that he just plays like a little angel until I decide it's nap time.

0700: I get him up from bed; he's often up before this, but he sits quietly in bed
0730: Oatmeal with honey & cinnamon, banana, and yogurt with fruit (eats the most at breakfast)
0930: Snack time
1100: Lunch time
1230: Nap time (this 2+ hours is very very important for me)
230: Wake up (if he is up earlier I will most often just leave him until 230)
300: Snack time
500: Dinner
700/730: Bed time!

Some of my favorite pictures from January until now!

Many of his super cheesy smiles in this set...

My Valentine's date

Can't believe he's mine!

His nurturing side, changing the puppy's diaper

If you ever lose him, he's probably off in a corner playing very nicely and independently, probably with cars.

Dominic brings so much joy to our lives every day. He's goofy, loving, kind and loud. He loves being the center of attention, but is learning to share the spotlight with his little sister. 

We love you! <3

Tuesday 25 June 2019


I have not been on social media in days, so I haven't really been keeping up with peoples' lives. I wish more people had blogs about their life. Maybe not many people are interested in reading mine, but I love reading others'! 

Anywho, it's been a bit hectic around our household the last three weeks, but... dare I say it... I think we're all pretty much healthy! Dom is finishing up his antibiotics and David is down to just the sniffles and a lingering cough. 

Thursday and Friday we just did life around the house; sort of quarantined ourselves. 

Checked out the playground at Clayton Park. A little old for Emilia, but Dom had lots of fun!

Saturday was Ashleigh's bridal shower! My mom and I went a little early to help get the final things set up. Ashleigh and Scott were so spoiled! Her mom threw a beautiful shower with all sorts of brunch food and mimosas! She asked me to write down who the gifts were from and what they were. I was more than happy to do so. I love having a job to do (and having an excuse to take a break from chatting haha!).

Sunday David was really sick, so I packed the kids up to go to church. They've been a bit extra challenging lately and we only lasted half an hour before we came home. I think I hadn't recovered from being sick myself and was a big overwhelmed. on Monday my mom offered to take Emilia for the afternoon and overnight which was SO nice. You don't realize how easy much harder two kids is than one until you just have one for a bit! I think Dom and Emilia need some space from each other; I'm having a hard time figuring out how to make that work at home, but I will!

I also took up a new hobby this weekend, doing lettering. I have a few friends who do it and I've always admired the smooth, pretty writing. I know I have naturally nice writing, so I thought what the heck! Time to do something for me! I went out and bought some dual-sided brush pens and have been playing with them all weekend! Below are some of my firt attempts. I have a long ways to go, but I was pretty proud for first tries!!

Hopefully we can get back to normal this week; back to our regular routine! I'm feeling optimistic about it :)

I came up with these ones all on my own, which is a big deal for non-creative-me.

My middle name is my Oma's name, and I think it's so beautiful. I love that I've never met anyone else with the same name/middle name!

Thursday 20 June 2019

Thankful Thursday - 185

A little life update first. The position I interviewed for last week was offered to another applicant, but they asked if I'd consider being added to the sub list for September, which is also great for us! Keeps my foot in the door and allows for a flexible schedule and more variety in the offices/positions worked. The position is with Surrey Christian School. Disappointing that I didn't get the one position, but a win/win with this other opportunity! It was a very tight race, so I'm happy with the result :)

The other main update would be the health (or lack of) update for our family as seen below. 

This week I am thankful for...

1. Medicine. It has been a rough two weeks at the Kimber household. First Emilia was out with an ear infection that I may have left a little long, so we had 5 days there where she was a disaster. Then I started getting sick and had fever, aches, sore throat and a cough. Then Dom started getting sick and I think it hit him the worst. He got a severe cough, head cold, fever and ear infection. I took him to the doctor yesterday morning and we caught the ear infection early enough to just need to do the drops. It's nice when he can actually tell me his ear is hurting. It's even nicer that he can tell me which one because maybe I pick up the ear drops and then forget which ear is infected... Maybe... 
He's a bit better today; his ear doesn't seem to be bothering him and he doesn't have a fever. 
Dave has been hit now, and neither of us got more than 5 hours of sleep last night. AAAND Emilia broke out in a full body rash this morning. I'm presuming it's heat rash; doesn't seem to bother her, just another annoyance!

Well that was a complain-y thankful item! I'll try harder.

It just doesn't get much sadder than this. Poor guy. He didn't want to play cars, read books, have a snack; just snuggle Mommy.

Emilia doesn't seem to mind that he's sick. She gets to feel good AND watch a movie! She has been a completely different baby this week, and I am so grateful for that. She's happy and easy-going and giggly and normal.

Between the doctor appointment and pharmacy opening we shared a donut from Tim Hortons and he got to sit in the front seat while we waited for the place to open. Very exciting day for Dom!

2. My village. I have so many wonderful friends that I get to see and/or speak to frequently. We are all in the same crazy hectic stage of life and it's an incredible gift to get to share this time with them. Also, who else would I send pictures of potential outfits to when I'm shopping? Or pictures of a rash on a child? Or ask for advice about child behaviors? Or vent about the mundane parts of my daily life to?

The friends I see most often; we get together at least once a week for a play date, see each other at church, and used to see each other at Tot Romp every Monday as well. We are also all in the same small group now, so tack another bi-weekly visit onto that.
4 women, 8.5 children!

Fun fact: Katrina, Kerriann and I were all in the same youth group from grade 8-12 and Natalia was one of our leaders!

3. My kids' father. David and I haven't really acknowledged or celebrated Father's Day for HIM yet. Hoping to be able to go out for dinner next week (although it might be a budget dinner after my $430 oil change+ this week. *sad face*). That being said, I am so proud of the Dad he has become. Our children love him so so much; their faces light up when they see him. If Dom knows Daddy is out at a shoot and he hears the garage door open he will drop whatever he is doing and RUN to the deck to wave and yell, "DADDY'S HOME!"
I can't express my gratitude for how hard David works. He puts in very long days, waking up at 5 every day so that he can be here with us from dinner-bedtime at least. He definitely prioritizes his family first! He works extra hard so that I can stay home and take care of our family instead of having to go to work. 
On top of all this work he's doing for Kimber Images, he is going to be starting up/taking on a bit of a related side gig as well, which I'll share more about another time, but we're very excited about it. 

I wrote this when David came home from a shoot deliriously tired, but still had to go work for the rest of the day. After I just woke up from a 1 hour nap and sat down with a cup of tea and a snack to write the blog... There are pros and cons to each of our jobs I guess! Haha

4. A well-timed meal. My Oma has offered to make us dinner for tonight and the timing could not be better! Food is always the answer :)