Friday 29 September 2023

Lately - KI.StoryStudios/Full Time School/Toller Walk/Horseback Riding/Urgent Care/Life!

And suddenly it's the end of September...

Introducing KI.StoryStudios! We launched the new side of the business a couple weeks ago and things have been busy! We have tons of content to share and have barely scraped the surface. It's been fun and amazing working together on something. Dave and I have completely opposite personalities and skill sets, so if you put us together it sort of makes one person who has skills in many many ways. We complement each other well :). 

If you don't already, please follow us on Instagram as we try to build our portfolio and presence on social media! @ki.storystudios. 
And visit our website!

When I have more time I'd love to share more about how this came to be, but that may have to wait for another day. Or if you catch me in real life I can share! (I ended up writing a bit more lower in the blog).

Emilia is continuing to THRIVE at Kindergarten. They are into full days now and she is definitely feeling tired, but we have two long weekends coming up so hopefully there can be some rest and recuperation for her. 

During her short days Emilia started making these with me between pick up for her and picking up Dom. She said she wants to make lots and then sell them to save up some money <3

Mommy & Daddy got to hang some hand prints above her cubby at school after our meeting with her and her teacher. 

She loves to help me in the kitchen, so we made some potato skins for Dave one day as they're one of his favorites!

After how preschool drop offs were last year, this is not how I anticipated Kindergarten drop offs going! She is so happy <3

Don't be fooled into thinking it's all sunshine and roses. She woke up like this one day and I could not express how much I felt this haha. 

What I come back to after bringing some groceries in from the van.

We got a much needed games night in with S&A on their cozy deck!

Shel from Oceantide Tollers (where we got Sherlock 9 years ago) hosted a Toller walk! Was so fun to see so many pups again and somehow Sherlock was one of the noisiest/most persistent when it came to the ball. I thought it was going to be all of them, but he was bonkers. The kids enjoyed seeing all the Tollers too.

Eva helping to walk Salish after Salish found a dead duck in the bushes and came out way too proud of herself.

Sherlock (9) and his Mom Ruby (12.5) <3<3<3

Dave hosted a poker night one weekend. During the daytime set up we played a few hands (war style) with Dom & Emilia. They felt very special :)

Scott always finds something fun at the thrift store for short-stack to wear or for the biggest loser to bring home. This weekend it was this pimpy hat haha.

A couple weeks ago Emilia started her full days at Kindergarten. I was worried this would be a big adjustment for her, but she's handled it with such grace and enthusiasm! Eva has been enjoying it too. We get to hang out, cuddle, bake, she gets to play with whatever toys she wants to without being micromanaged, which means I get to get more work done. It's a win win win!
It's also been amazing for me. I have never ever just had one two-year-old at home. When Dom was her age, Emilia was already 1 and toddling around. I can't believe how full my hands were. I don't even remember what it was like. I mean the majority of my time with the three kids my hands are overflowing, but it's a different kind with a lot more independence from the kiddos haha. 

"Come sleep with me, Mommy!"

It's been years since I could do some of my toddler Pinterest activities! Love it. It reminds me of the days when Dom was 2, before life got so crazy. 

I actually get to sit down and play with her. This is huge. I don't love to play, but I am working on it. It's huge because I can focus on her. She gets 100% of me for a few minutes. That has never happened. Here we are snuggling her slothy because he's feeling sad and wants food. That's her empathetic face.

I love her <3

I got together with Kirsten and Elissa at Starbucks after drop off one day. It reminded me of the days when I worked at Esquires and all the Moms would drop their kids at school and go get coffee together. Kirsten had her nephew and niece with her and I had Eva. Eva and Alice spent a while figuring each other out - pretty cute. 

Waiting for the kids at school. Guess she didn't like my music.

Crepe dinner with (almost the full) fam jam at Opa & Oma's! 

A walk to the park across the street. In a few years they'll all be going on their own and it completely reminds me of going to my Opa & Oma's for soup and buns every Sunday and all the kids went to the park on their own. I can only now understand the sigh of relief all the adults felt when we took off for a bit haha. The energy shift in the house would have been dramatic.

Dom can shovel more crepes into his body than I can. Like twice as many. Not sure where it goes or how he does that when most of the time he'll eat 4 bites of dinner and be "full" haha.

So as mentioned above, KI.StoryStudios launched in the last few weeks! The biggest changes are: 

1. We have a new website that Dave created in two weeks (that is insane for anyone who hasn't created a website before). It's focused on video production as opposed to Kimber Images which is now primarily photography-focused (Real Estate photo & video, Interior Design, Commercial Real Estate, Architecture, etc.). 
KI.StoryStudios offers three main areas of video: 

2. We are working together which means I have freedom with social media, marketing, reaching out to people, communications, requests for specific edits, changes to the website, etc. This is huge. This is VERY different than Kimber Images has been the last (almost) 11 years. This feels like our baby instead of Dave's baby. 

Business has been picking up, we have some exciting shoots coming up, and the momentum feels really good after such a hard couple years. 
Dave was brought on by Ovarian Cancer Canada for the Walk of Hope we did earlier in September (talked about in my last post). He was asked to shoot a video and some photos for the event and captured it so well. 
The video is posted now in his Portfolio page under "Corporate & Promotional"

Aunty Lasagna came and hung out with Eva for a full day on Monday. I went to the library and worked for hours. Just as I was getting ready to leave I looked up and saw this. Beautiful!

After the library that day Dave and I met with Greg & Liz Holmes at Black Tiger Coffee Co. We had a good chat and there's more exciting work coming our way there! I also had this amazing avocado toast that I need to recreate whenever I get back into my sourdough baking.

KI.StoryStudios also means I get to reconnect with old friends and do business together! 
Have some exciting things planned with these two :). Also business meetings are fun when they involve food and drinks!
(The Call and Beyond)

Our Director of Barketing has been enjoying helping with school pick up every so often!

School has been good for Dom, too! Grade 1 feels different for him as it's less play based (or so he reports). He is growing up so much though and I literally have to chase and tackle him for a hug and kiss at drop offs haha. 

After the first full day the big kids came home and all 3 immediately went and played in the tent together. Spy Eva leaning on Emilia's shoulder <3

Such a goof

I got to join Dom's class on their Terry Fox run at Bear Creek Park one Thursday afternoon!

Helping me push Eva around the track.

Can't believe how tall he is getting!

Hello Fall! <3

Spelling his name with playdoh

After school we had a meet the teacher and tour the classroom thing with Dom. Love his self-portrait here.

Showing us his poetry book

Miss Emilia was bumped up a level in her horseback riding. All of a sudden this week I was asked to sit upstairs in the spectator area and she rode on her own with a new instructor! She has never been so proud of herself. She'll continue to develop and move up to 1 hour lessons from here. 

Walking her "new" horse Holly back to her stall with no supervision.

Yesterday Dom went to Apple Barn and the pumpkin patch with his class. I couldn't go, but one of his friend's moms took some pictures to send to me! THANK YOU!

I picked him up from school and immediately knew something was wrong. Once I got to him I asked what was wrong and he just burst into tears and fell into me. He managed to explain that his ear was hurting. He proceeded to be in a ton of pain and crying hysterically for the next 45 minutes. I gave him some meds when we got home and decided to take him in to Urgent Care. I figured if it's an ear infection it's just going to get worse if not treated and I don't want to be going to the ER in the middle of the night. 
I'm glad we went! We went to the Satellite Clinic at Surrey Urgent and Primary Care Clinic. We were in and out in about two hours and as it turned out he does have an ear infection. Phew. Antibiotics for the win.

Meds helped a lot and he was totally fine while we waited. It made me nervous I was out to lunch and he was completely fine. I was relieved to hear the diagnosis haha.

Today we got to shoot with The Call and Beyond!

Okay now for some random moments!

Playing some Rock Band at Jeff and Marta's. Dom's focus face is perfection.

These girls... Oh man.

There's some forced perspective here, but how much taller is Eva than Wren?! What the heck.

5 months of waiting and Emilia finally got to hold baby Nate! <3

Gorgeous charcuterie board at Porters Bistro

The annual fall photo <3

Dom made a book for school and his "Special Place" was Opa and Oma's because they "have a wall with two holes." Haha it's the wall they run around from the kitchen to the hallway.

Trying hard to steal a couple quiet moments with Emilia when I can.

Today I stole her away to play Playmobil for a bit and then snuggled her on the couch. I guess it was a good snuggle :) It's been a long two weeks of full time school for her!

Eva makes friends very easily. She marched up to these other two year olds at the playground and said Hi. She's much more outgoing than I am!