Friday 31 December 2021

Lately - Cancelled Plans/5th Birthday/Snow!

For some reason some of these uploaded out of order, but whatever! Let's start with Dom's birthday! On December 27 Dom turned 5! Thankfully, he and Emilia were mostly over their RSV by then. They both had lingering coughs, but were well clear of their fevers. Eva started coughing that day, so we still took lots of precautions. Nobody came inside unmasked, we mostly did outdoor gifts, or postponed all together.

He got it in his head that he needed cheesecake for his birthday dessert. How does he even know what cheesecake is?! 

Gramma and Grandpa came by for a quick visit since we couldn't see them over Christmas and played some NHL-opoly Junior

During the day Uncle Jeff dropped in to play some hockey and brought Dom a new goalie stick!

Eva's first day of getting sick. After seeing how ill the big kids got I was really anxious about this. We're on day 5 now, and so far things aren't as bad as I expected, though the big kids were worst days 5/6/7.

We sort of unintentionally had a Thomas themed birthday. We got him some tracks and a set of second-hand Thomas trains for it! My parents also got some tracks with splitters and what not so we can make a huge series of tracks. We got some Thomas birthday decorations on Marketplace and there you have it. Theme party!

Dave and I decorated the night before, while we were SUPPOSED to be in Agassiz for the Kimber family Christmas. Alas... we couldn't make it due to the kids being sick all week :(

D practicing his letters <3

Out of order... This was boxing day. We got about 10cm of snow. 

I stopped in at my parents house with Eva to have a croquette, and Adam, Aly & Myles were there too

About half an hour in we heard a gurgle in Eva's chest and decided to head home just in case she was getting sick. She started coughing the next day :(

December 28 rolled around and I was just no longer in the Christmas spirit. If I'm honest, I hadn't been for weeks already. The house felt cluttered, everyone's patience was low, and I had a burst of energy. Oh did I mention I also got my first postpartum period this day? Ughhhhh. 

Goodbye tree!

Uncle Scott & Aunty Ashleigh brought over their birthday gift for Dom :)

Which included this adorable Star Wars sweater and some Kylo Ren Lego

Dom was so spoiled this year. He also got an activity book, a Playmobil garbage truck, a Lego Maclaren and more!

Going so stir crazy, so I borrowed a couple 500 piece puzzles from Mom. This one was so pretty and fun.

Dom finally allowed us to take his 5 year old photos with the bear.

Only time I ever get a half-decent photo of these 3 together <3

Wednesday was awful for me with my period, energy, etc. However, I had booked myself a haircut! I decided to go shoulder-length and I'm so happy. 

Took less than 10 minutes to curl!

Overnight we got another 6-8 inches of snow! It was sooo beautiful!

They didn't plow our neighbourhood at all, and this poor soul was out trying to plow the STREET with a shovel?

Got another puzzle while the big kids were at Mom & Dad's

Then we had another Christmas with gifts from Aunty Sonya! Bath toys, bath bombs, puzzle, lego, goodies for us, and Melissa and Doug cookie and ice cream set!

And even a new squeaker ball for Sherlock!

I tried to take the dog for a walk, but the ice was hurting his feet. We've ordered him some booties now, but I bet by the time we get them the snow will be gone haha.

So instead, I brought the kids outside and we played in the giant pile of snow in front of our place

Not great snow for building things, but with Kirsten's help we sort of built a slide down one side of the pile. Mostly it was Kirsten and I going down penguin style, but the kids had fun til I tried to help Emilia down and ended up getting snow up the back of her jacket. Game over!

Inside to warm up with a new bath bomb! 

Dave and I watched "Death to 2021" on Netflix in the evening. Had a few good laughs, and felt grateful for our family and how we've all dealt with 2021. I'm looking forward to making my "Year in Review" post. It's been a crazy year. High highs and low lows. Honeslty, I'm not sad to see 2021 go. Here's hoping (though not feeling TOO optimistic) that 2022 is better!

Too much truth in this