Friday 28 April 2017

Dominic - 4 Months Old

This boy loves his Mommy. I was making faces and funny noises behind the camera while David took the photo haha. Seriously melting my heart right now. 

One year ago today David and I found out I was pregnant. After 18 months of trying, stress, and discouragement, our big day had come! Here we are one year later with our handsome 4 month old!

As he gets older, each new age he hits I think is my favorite. He just keeps becoming more fun and interactive.

Wow... I definitely see the biggest change from 3-4 months here. His head has grown enormously and he's super sturdy and happy! He just looks like a giant!

Weight: 15 lb 10.6 oz. 
Length: 66 cm

  • When people pay attention to him, and talk to him or smile at him.
  • Tickles. Can babies at this age be ticklish? I definitely think he is, but maybe he just thinks the noises and motions we make are funny. 
  • Fart noises (making them and hearing them)
  • Waking up from a good sleep and smiling at his polka dot IKEA lantern above his crib.
  • His teddy bear during his bedtime routine
  • Loves when I (or Dave) read/sing stories during the bedtime/naptime routine. All smiles!
  • "Space Baby" - being held up above our heads and soared around
  • Standing - he can pretty much support his own weight, just of course doesn't have the balance
  • Pulling my hair... doesn't help with the later-mentioned hair loss (Boo)
  • The exersaucer. He will sit happily in it for a while, playing with the toys or practicing his standing. 
  • Sherlock. He definitely notices and watches and occasionally reaches for Sherlock (probably just to pull his hair). If I'm misreading that, then I can still say with confidence that Sherlock LOVES Dom. Always laying close to him and nuzzling him, sniffing him, and giving him more kisses than we'd like. 
  • His fingers. Our boy is a finger sucker just like I was! 
Me as a baby. This is just how Dom sleeps now, except in his crib instead of under furniture...

  • There isn't a whole lot that Dom doesn't like these days. He's a generally happy baby (Hooray for medication for reflux!)
  • He still doesn't last long during tummy time.
  • On April 3 he rolled from his stomach to his back for the first time. From this point on, sleep became a challenge. It's like he practices his rolling in his crib, but gets to his back and totally panics. Or he will worm his way all the way up his crib from the bottom. 
  • On April 2 we started the sleep sense program, but then he got a big sick, so we postponed until just about a week ago when we started again. (There will be a separate blog post on this)
  • Right after Dom turned three months, I started losing my hair :( Good thing I have a good buffer!
  • He can now sit up with the assistance of just a nursing pillow.
  • We went to the doctor and she confirmed with us that Dom is in very great health and is "above average" size... didn't need any reminders of that! Haha
  • He sleeps in his crib for every nap and at night time unless we are out and about, or want to get an evening catnap out of him. Those are usually done in the ergo or stroller on a walk with Sherlock. 
  • Dom was baptized on April 23!
  • Dom received his 4 month immunizations today and he took them like a CHAMP!!! Less than 10 seconds of crying total. Now he's down for a nap, and may be fussy for a few days, but I was super happy with his reaction (or lack thereof). 
Photo Time!!! Oldest to newest <3

Aforementioned teddy bear during bedtime routine

Sitting up!

The cleavage game is strong with this one.

Umm... how much do we LOVE this face?!

Get out Mom, this is MY time to shine!

Sherlock only looks concerned because I told him to "focus" and stop trying to lick Dom's ears. 

Cool Dude!


Finger sucker!


So hard to pick a "favourite" this week

We love you little man! More and more every day!

Thursday 27 April 2017

Thankful Thursday - 86 (Sherlock Edition)

Hi, I'm Sherlock!

Mom let me do my own post this week! I am thankful for...

1. Lazy Days. Much of my time is spent at home. At least now I have some company! This way I get to nap on the couch, in my crate, on the deck... so many naps!

2. My New Buddy. I'm not sure I get all the fuss about this little human, but I can tell you I do love to lick his fingers, ears and face. I am the designated "poop checker", and any time Mom & Dad put him down on the floor I try hard to get as close as possible. I reserve my snuggles for Dom instead of Mom & Dad. 

Keeping a close eye on him.

This balcony is where I spend 75% of my time during the day. When Dom came to join me, I couldn't resist a snuggle!

3. Night Out! Every Wednesday night Mom takes me to agility. This is my one hour each week where the sole focus of Mom is on me! I revel in it. I have so much fun, and work so hard! 

Take a break?! I don't even know what that means!

Monday 24 April 2017

Dominic's Baptism

April 23, 2017 is the date we chose to have Dominic baptized. 

Dom was up at 730 for the day and church starts at 10. I knew we had to get a nap in there somewhere in order for it not to be a disaster. After a failed attempt at a crib-nap, David and I took Dom out in the car before church and drove around for half an hour and eventually he passed right out. At church, we sat front row, and I started rousing Dominic two songs before I knew we had to head up front. 

I have to say, Dominic was an absolute perfect angel the whole day. He didn't make a peep throughout the waking up, going up front, being baptized, songs, etc. 

After the service, my Mom arranged to have a light lunch for family and some friends in the Fireside Room at the church. This was absolutely perfect, and sooooo appreciated! Stress free (for me), nobody had to travel to the lunch, and nobody had to give up their house to host! At first I wasn't sure I wanted a big thing, but in the end I wouldn't have had it any other way. Such a nice way to celebrate Dominic's special day. 

I asked my Aunty Sonya to bring her camera to take a couple photos of the baptism, and she went WAY above and beyond and documented most of the morning for us. I am so grateful to have these beautiful photos to remember the day. 

The Baptismal bowl

Pastor Sid spoke for a few minutes before we were invited up about the sacrament of baptism.

A few years ago, in February, David was baptized at Crescent Beach by Pastor Sid. He also married us back in 2012. Having him baptize our son definitely had some significance for us.

No stage fright for this chunky boy!

Sid invited the kids of the church to come watch the baptism. So cute looking down at all their expectant and eager faces.

As Sid spoke, Dom gave out coos of agreement and even some smiles. Melt my heart little boy.

We were invited to select someone to hold the bowl for the baptism. We chose Uncle Scott. He's an integral part of the church family and ours, so it seemed like the perfect fit!

The first couple sprinkles were a bit of a shock for Dom, but he maintained his composure, and as you can see, Dave and I tried to make it seem as fun as possible. 
"*Gasp!* Yayy!! Water! Is that fun?!"

By the time the third sprinkle came around and we were given a cloth to wipe him off, Dom was all smiles. You can see his cheeks raised up into a big ole grin at this point. 

We were gifted a children's Bible for Dominic as well. 

Congregational song to the tune of a familiar Sound of Music song!

Finally, 4 months later, Uncle Arie gets his first cuddles with Dom after we get back to our seats.

You'd think they planned their outfits!

Great Oma D. & Great Opa G.

Fantastical array of sandwiches, vegetables and fruit for lunch afterwards! Yum!

Chocolate Raspberry Ganache cake. Yes. Please!

4 Generations! I see now where I get my cheeks from!

So grateful to share the special day with Janine, Jaia and Robin! 
(You can see Dom starting to fade at this point. He was so exhausted, but instead of having a meltdown he just konked out with me. <3)

Like I said... passed right out! Another 4 generational photo, with a handsome "photo-bomb" by Uncle Jeff!

Moments like this.

It is just so exhausting being the center of attention! This was supposed to be a picture of just the boys, but It was too sketchy trying to move the sleeping child, so I got in on it. Best case scenario for me. All these gents are my life!

4 generations of family! Married 51 years, 4.5 years and 30 years. 

Great Oma G. making faces at a freshly awakened Dominic!

**A couple iPhone pics from the day**

During the sermon I had to feed Dom, so was out in the foyer. Robin came out for a cuddle, and Dominic promptly stuck his fingers in his mouth. This is how I got through the first many years of my life. Such a snuggle-bug!

Aunty Candy came up from California and got to be here for Dom's special day as well! She went shopping with some of my cousins and they came across this Dominic twin they just had to buy! Haha! They totally look alike! <3

David's parents got us this adorable engraved spoon for Dom. I can't wait until he's flying food to his mouth (or all over the floor) with it!

Thank you again to everyone who shared in our special day with our boy. David, Dominic and I are very blessed with love and support!