Thursday 19 April 2018

Thankful Thursday - 129

This week I'm thankful for...

1. Hosting Lunch/Brunch. In the past we've done brunch every Sunday at David's parents' house, but since Dom has started napping right during that time, we've been hosting and it is such a nice time/tradition. This week was Kyle's 30th birthday, so we had a special brunch. Everyone brought food, and we just supplied the venue and drinks! Much easier for me, I must say! Not that I mind cooking brunch most weeks. I love sharing my food with people. 

Rachel is coming up on 28 weeks, and I'm just about 37 weeks in this photo! Cousins!!!!!

Delicious Pulled Pork Sandwiches for lunch! Yummmm

Oh No, the Big 3-0!

Happy 30th Kyle! This year you become a father!

2. Quality Time. Dom totally thinks I'm the cat's meow again. While I was working full-time and Dad was doing the morning routine and full days on Fridays I became second tier. Now Dom is a bit older and LOVES to snuggle me and show affection. I don't mind at all! Most of these couch snuggling selfies are us just listening to music and reading books and him cuddling me. He has a runny nose and case of the sneezes (teething for his right molars I think), so he's a little extra cuddly now even. I love how he uses my giant belly as a pillow sometimes. 

This was separate, but at one point on Tuesday we were looking at his book and I asked if he wanted to pet the kitten, because it looked soft. He started pretending to pet his chest, and then leaned over and started petting my belly. I know he has no idea what is happening in there, but it was super sweet.

We're going to pick up one of those IKEA step stools and hack it so it's a safe spot for him to stand. This makes me way too nervous, but he's so excited to be able to "help".

3. A Clean(er) house! We got all our carpets cleaned this week for the first time since we moved in! Oh it was SO needed! Now if only we could keep them clean somehow! Haha... I also have had a new burst of nesting energy, which allowed me to clean our entire kitchen one morning (cupboard doors and everything). I still have to do the fridge, but I'll save that for another day when I'm ready to brave the old food that I'm sure is hiding out in there. 

4. Some sunshine and exercise. I got out a few times this week with Sherlock & Dom.  A lovely walk around the neighborhood in the beautiful sunshine. 

Dom trying his best to get the ball for the dog

I picked up a book from the little library thing at the park by our house for Dom to go through while we walked. He loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for cousins!! And nice sunbeam in your living room :D
