Thursday 29 March 2018

Thankful Thursday - 126

My current mood...

How I wish I felt...

This week I am thankful for...

1. I AM [almost] DONE WORK! Today was supposed to be my last day of work, but I offered to come in for a couple days next week, and maybe the week after as well. They took me up on my offer, so today is no longer my last day! Messes up my countdown, but I'm actually really okay with it. I was feeling nervous about going back to be mom full-time. It is 100x easier on my body to be at work than it is to be at home chasing Dom around at 35 weeks pregnant. I think any hope of keeping this baby in a little longer increases if I continue working longer. Who would have thunk it! Haha

{I wrote this a couple days ago, and now I wish it was my last day again! Week from Hell}

This was my work station this week. Definitely not ideal being 34 weeks pregnant, but it was fine. My legs kept falling asleep dangling off the tall chair. Is this a "short-person" problem on the regular?

2. The Meatball. Dominic is such a meatball. He makes me laugh every day, and brightens the mood of everyone he's around. 

Oh Sherlock... he is SO good with Dom lately. Dom can pet him, snuggle him, and even crawl over to sit with/on him. I don't like to let Dom sit/crawl on him because I don't want to make anything stressful for Sherlock, but he was being so good at this moment I snapped a quick pic before preventing the crushing that was soon to ensue. 

Breaking my heart. He was carrying a board-book and fell, and two of the pages caught him on the forehead. This was just after, but it looked way worse a couple hours later. Nice little cuts and bruises. That's not how you absorb knowledge, Dom!

Shadow came for a sleepover, which means her mat was here too! Yay!

He spent a very long time playing with the pots and pans and lids the other day. Simple ways to entertian your toddler!

This is what happens when Mom doesn't pay attention for a minute. He has a thing about sitting on/in things. He opened the computer to sit all 30lb of him on the keyboard, or he'll pull out a cookie sheet and sit on it, or open a book and sit on it... maybe he needs a special mat he can sit on or something. Weirdo. 

3. Pregnancy Cravings. I love pregnancy because you can blame all your terrible eating habits on pregnancy cravings. I don't indulge often, but this week there were 4 days straight where all I could think about were Blizzards/McFlurries. Finally David went out and got us some from McDonald's at 9pm, when we'd normally be getting ready for bed. Two days later we got the BOGO for $0.99 Blizzards from DQ! No regrets. 

Sherlock is done dog agility now for at least 12 weeks. I was able to go longer in the last pregnancy, but this one is kicking my butt a bit more, so I had to call it quits. I feel bad for him, so I let him beg for ice cream haha.

4. This.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

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