Monday 24 February 2020

Lately - Sunshine, Beer Tasting, Sickness & Potty Training

Well life has kind of been put on hold this weekend, but I finally am sitting down to write a blog!

Last week I went to Stephanie's Pampered Chef party. I'm excited to get my order! I got the food chopper and the meat masher, both of which I've heard so many good things about.

Katrina sent out an invite to join them on a walk to Tynehead, so I got the kids up from their naps and zipped over there. Considering I only had the single stroller and we did the 5km loop I'd say it went very well; better than expected anyway!

Thursday the kids and I made an early morning trip to Costco before play date. At play date it was just Katrina, Kerrian and I with our 7 kids. Both Dom AND Emilia went off and played... Emilia, in particular, never leaves my side at play dates, but I hardly saw either of them the whole time. Amazing!!! It was so refreshing. 

That afternoon we hadn't walked the dog yet, and I wanted to get outside again, so I walked with the littles to the park while Dave walked the dog and met us there. They had fun, until Dom wiped out on the slide and knocked his chin and bit his cheek. Oops!

Thursday evening my mom offered to watch the kids so we could go on a date - it's been a while. I have a Trading Post gift card, so that was definitely on the list! We also had a coupon for The Hawthorne in Cloverdale. We went there for dinner and a flight of beer, then to Trading Post Brewery, and decided to make a stop at Camp Beer Co on the way home. It's a super cute new brewery at 197 and 64th. I'll definitely be back! 

We have been on a winning streak since Valentine's Day with the scratch & wins. This day was no exception.

Behind me is a campfire area, which was full, but would be super nice if you could get a spot! The beer man (what is the beer version of sommelier?) said on a nice day they have up to 15 dogs out in the courtyard there! 

They had some games at Camp Beer Co. and we came across this. What even is this?!

So hilarious

Friday was a normal day. Hanging out around home, playing outside, etc. etc. 

He's grown an inch in less than 2 months! Sooo big! This photo reminds me, I also ordered a hair trimmer thing and cut David's hair this weekend! It is halfway to paying itself off already! Worthwhile investment for sure. 

Saturday morning Dave and I decided we should potty train Emilia. I went out before the kids woke up to buy some underwear for her. I got a call from David as I was out asking me to please come home. It turns out Emilia had thrown up overnight and didn't alert us, so it was everywhere. I rushed home and he had bathed her, but I had the privilege of cleaning her bed. I shouldn't complain as this was our first kid-puke experience in our 3+ years of parenting, but yuck! I'm also very grateful that it was over for her by the time we got her up. She had a decent fever the first half of the day, and even fell asleep on the couch while Dom and I were out (this is UNHEARD OF). After nap time she was acting pretty much normal. Phew! 

Dom and I went to my parents for a bit and Dom ventured into the crawlspace with them. How brave :)

If it wasn't $14 I would have been all over this!

Friday or Saturday things were also complicated as our dishwasher died. I can't remember which day anymore... I'm just very grateful it wasn't our washing machine!! We had to get a new dishwasher, which should be installed tomorrow... It was expensive, but we figured it will be a long-time investment, and if you're spending that money, might as well spend an extra $150 to get the perfect dishwasher that is going to last even longer, clean even better and be even quieter. 

Sunday rolled around and she was feeling so much better. We figured we'd try start potty training that day instead. She was enthusiastic, but I think it kind of backfired on us. We gave her tons of fluids, but she only peed once between 7am and 7pm... I am guessing her flu and fever the day before left her horribly dehydrated. So I guess it was successful in the sense we didn't have any accidents, but we also didn't have any success! We're hoping that if/when she gets potty trained Dom will decide to follow suit.

Such a diva!

She loves these adorable baggy Paw Patrol undies <3

Sunday night I woke up in the middle of the night with this stomach bug that is going around. Not fun! I was supposed to be at work on Monday, so Dave was mentally prepared to solo-parent anyway, so it was nice that I could stay in bed most of the morning. After a two hour nap at naptime I felt a bit better, and am finally feeling up to eating something today. Pray that Dave and Dom are spared!!!! 

In the midst of this stomach flu today, we continued our potty training for Emilia. She did great today. We're very proud of her. She had lots of accidents, but by the end of the day she was yelling PEE and running over to the potty, where she almost made it many times. She spent a LOT of time sitting on the potty reading books, chatting, watching potty-training videos on my phone, etc. Sometimes I wonder what we've gotten ourselves into. It sure is a lot more work than just letting her go in her diaper... She's excited though, so we'll keep at it and do our best! We're not in any rush, so there's little pressure. 

Her awesome attempt at a thumbs up!

Prayers are appreciated as I have a couple family members in the hospital today/tonight and there are a lot of unknowns right now. Hopefully we will have more clarity tomorrow, but praying for health/healing and comfort tonight. 

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Family Day Weekend

I don't know what happened, but suddenly (like overnight) Dom & Emilia have become best friends. They have no use for me any more other than feeding them. When I got pregnant with Emilia everyone told me it would be really hard for a while, but then they would become best friends and it would get so much easier. I figured it would happen eventually, but I had no idea just how freeing it would be. Honestly the first couple days I didn't even know what to do with myself. I read, did yoga, cleaned, cooked, baked... Now this morning I cleaned all our windows, kitchen, chairs, my bathroom, fridge, dishes, did laundry... What the heck!!

They are constantly together, cooperating and playing nicely and using their imagination and being active and talking. Fighting, too of course, however it is a much higher ratio of fun to fighting than it used to be. And fights can usually be fixed by food. Unfortunately, they play so well sometimes that they refuse to come eat lunch... So hard to reel them in!

Found them up here watching the neighbour boy driving his remote control truck. So now that the baby gate is down, it's like the kids have a little separate play room. The problem is... it's on the stairs! They use our stairs as their play area. There's two landings, and they spend a lot of time there. Good thing they're carpeted...

Dom got a kitchen set for his second birthday/Christmas, and he's been terrified of this toaster ever since. When you put the bread down, it pops obnoxiously at arbitrary times, so it's very unpredictable. This is a good example of their different personalities. Dom can't stand it, Emilia thinks it's hilarious!

Playing hockey while I sit and type a blog. (This was unheard of a couple weeks ago; I couldn't sit down at the counter ever)!

Cuddling on the couch - they don't watch much TV, but when they do Emilia always snuggles right up.

They went off upstairs the other day and I could hear them on the monitor. Dom was pretending to do her bedtime routine. Bottle, brushing teeth, reading her favorite books, etc. Warms my heart! Look how happy they are <3

Friday was Valentines Day, which we never really celebrate. David was out all day, and I was on my own with the kids. During dinner, I sat there thinking, "I hope he doesn't bring home flowers. In my ideal world he'll bring home some mini eggs, some scratch & wins, and when he shows up he'll send me upstairs to shower or do my yoga or whatever I feel like doing." Well guess who knows their wife? That is 100% exactly what happened, with zero prompting from me. Good work dear <3. We then went downstairs to the theatre room and he said I could pick whatever movie I wanted! We watched Bad Moms, and we both found it hilarious. 

Saturday evening we had Rachel & Allana over to play the Harry Potter game; it was Rachel's first time. Such fun! Still love that game and am ready to play the higher levels again. 

Sunday David was on media at church, so he was gone 730-1230. I took the kids to the 9:00 service and Emilia sat with Scott & Ashleigh during the sermon so I could take Dom to Cornerstone. He is so shy and timid in there. He won't talk to anyone or participate in any of the games. I don't think I'd want to either though, a lot of them are geared towards kids who are much older than him. I'd be super overwhelmed too! 
After church I went to a Meet & Greet for Noah Gabriel Brockman-De Jager. I'd met him a week or so earlier, and it blows my mind how quickly they change at this newborn stage! 

Sunday afternoon I made a huge batch of tacos and had almost my whole family (except Adam & Aly) over for dinner. The siblings stayed for games afterwards, which naturally ended in a beer pong tournament (thank you for the suggestion Marta haha)!

Monday was the official family day holiday, and we had brunch at Gramma & Grandpa's house. It was so fun seeing the three kids playing together. Immediately upon arrival they all ran down the hallway to the play room and played perfectly for the majority of our visit. 

The remainder of the day we kind of hung out around home; I walked the dog in the sunshine, David met with his business partner, we had dinner (leftover tacos), and we attempted a trip to Talize with all of us. Dominic had an epic 3-year-old meltdown, so that was cut short, but we will try a different family event one of these days. We closed off the evening with a family movie night in the theater (aka watching a 30 minute episode of Mickey Mouse before bed). 

Today David randomly got five Cotala shoots after not working with them for many many months. Not sure what that's about... Not that I'm complaining! Tonight I'm off to a Pampered Chef party, and then back to work again tomorrow. 

What a way to start the day this morning. So gorgeous!

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Kids Say

Me: Dom, you're so funny.
Dom (with all the attitude): No Mommy! I am NOT funny..... I am hi-LAR-ious!

Dom: Mommy, look at Emilia's big boobs!

We're pulling up to the grocery store. 
Dom: Mommy, here's the grocery store. We're going to go buy ground beef and eggs and yogurt and go to the counter to pay - GASP! MOMMY! DID YOU BRING YOUR MASTERCARD?!

Listening to Josh Groban's Ava Maria
Dom: Mommy is this hockey?
Me: What?
Dom: Ya, like Oh Canada?

He's obsessed with toe jam. He will fully undress himself during "nap" time because he "had to check his toe jam." He asks if he can take off my socks and then checks each of my toes, saying, "Mommy, I'm checking your toe jam. Oh you're being so brave mommy. Good job!"

Me: Emilia's the lucky one.
Dom: Mommy's not lucky?
Me: Nope. Guess not!
Dom: Are you Simon then?
*A little Wiggles humour. He thought I said Lachy*

Opening presents at the big Gerber Christmas. He opens some hotwheel tracks. Next present he opens is two cars wrapped in a waffles box. 
Dom: Oh Mommy!!! I got waffles!

In the car...
Dom: Mommy, what's it smell like?
Me: Brakes.
Dom: Mmmm... I love grapes!

I told Dom I was taking Emilia for her booster (for her flu shot). When we get home Dom is sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for us.
Dom: So mommy, where is it?
Me: Where is what?
Dom: Emilia's booster!

I'm playing with Emilia's animal toys with her, the shark in particular. 
Me: *jaws theme* Duuuuun dun. Duuuuun dun. Dun dun dun dun...
Emilia copies me. Cute. Then she gets up and grabs her plastic dog toy.
Emilia: Puuuuuup-py. Puuuuuup-py. Puppy puppy puppy...

Playing doctor with Dom and the doctor toys. He picks up the tweezers and pinches my hand.
Dom (very seriously): Mmm... you have a lizard.
Me: A lizard?
Dom: Ya
Me: Do you mean a sliver?
Dom: Ya!

Dom begs me to come play basketball with him. I oblige, but after a few missed shots....
Dom: Mommy, don't play with me. Emilia can play with me. You.... go do the dishes. 

At Costco walking past the big hams (some wrapped in red foil)
Dom: WOW! Look at those big... big... ummm... big strawberries!

Dom playing sneakily under the table so I go see what he's doing, and he deliberately nicely tries to tell me to go away.
Dom: Don't look at me mommy. Can you go see how Emilia is doing? Can you go check on her?

Dom: Oh! My diaper catches my fart!

Dom: Emilia, I'm going to give you a haircut! Cut off your ponytail!... Don't worry Mom, I'm just pretending. 
*Emilia runs away*

Playing with the doctor kit and had the tiny dentist mirror.
Dom: Emilia! Come look in the mirror! you can see how handsome you are!

Emilia at the top of the stairs: DOM! DOMMMMMM! DOOOOOMMMMM!!!
Dom: Emilia, you don't have to yell. You can try it like, "hey Dom."

Getting Dom out of bed
Me: Oh look at your belly! So cute and soft!
Dom pushes out his belly: Now I am Opa!

Thursday 13 February 2020

Thankful Thursday - 212

This week I am thankful for...

1. Marriage Maintenance plans! I mentioned before that a lovely lady I met at a Spartan Foundation event offered us her place in Osoyoos if we wanted to have a weekend away without the kids. Well I jumped right on that! We are planning to go to Walnut Beach Resort in Osoyoos March 13-16! Three nights! Not until it was all confirmed did I realize I actually have a seminar/workshop I'm supposed to attend in Vancouver March 16 and 17... Haven't quite figured out how I'm going to navigate that one yet. Could send someone in my place, but then I don't get the info that I signed up for... Can't move the trip a day earlier unless we find someone to watch the kids on the 12/13th. 

I'll see a couple weeks before hand if we can change it to the 20th weekend, but I don't want to have my period on the trip haha! Have to plan around that and it could happen either weekend at this point!

2. New successful meals. The kids are both typically pretty good about eating, but I'm often wary to try something new. I made this "Wowie Maui Chicken" the other day and it was a winner! Everyone ate it, and it was SUPER easy and quick to make, and made lots of leftovers. 

Also, my food actually turned out like the picture which is a win in my books. 

3. A good laugh. I am looking for new bar stools for our island, and messaged someone yesterday to ask how tall the stools they were selling are. Their response was just too good! 

"Selling two bar stools. Very comfy and STUDY."
Me: How tall are these?
Her: I'm 5 8 and these go just past my knees

Ummmm.... okay thanks?

4. When they play nice. If I'm in the room they are so whiny and needy and cranky, but if they escape away by themselves or forget I'm around they are best friends. I am currently sitting at the kitchen island listening to music while they play on the stairs and upstairs in Emilia's room doing who knows what. (They often play "airplane" or "car" on the stairs, where Dom sits at the bottom in the "cockpit" and she is up at the top as a passenger). 

Oh also thankful for health! A lot of our friends are sick with a stomach bug this week, and so far our family is in the clear!

5. An attempt at being "yes mom". Yesterday I tried not saying no every time they asked me to do something. This meant we were doing some painting even though I didn't feel like it haha. 

I guess "yes mom" doesn't always yield happy results for the kids either. You want to paint yourself? Sure, why not. Haha!!

6. David's working again! The last two weeks have been a complete 180 for David's work. He's been really busy, and you won't see us complaining! It's nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel of our stress. 

Monday 10 February 2020

Weekend Happenings

We have actually seen some sunshine after one of the wettest Januaries on record (or so I've heard). Hooray for fresh air, exercise, and Vitamin D!

Last Friday we went to Katrina's for our weekly play date. Dom and Isla started hugging and playing beside me. It was adorable to see their affection for each other. Then thing started getting a little wild and they fell over beside the couch and bonked their heads. I scooped them both up to comfort them as they cried, and then Emilia got jealous and cried and I was surrounded by sad children. At least I got good snuggles?! Haha

The moment before they fell beside the couch haha!

Saturday morning I had band practice, and then we went to the Ready, Set, Learn event to learn some more about Dom's preschool he's starting in September. There was a pancake breakfast, story time, play time and then a little talk. David had to leave shortly after I got there for a video shoot, but the kids were great! 

David was out all afternoon working, and then had a real estate twilight photo-video shoot as well. I took the kids outside to play; which is quickly becoming a sunny day must!

Feeling disheveled, but taking this moment to sit practically in a bush just to get some sunshine!

Neighbour Alex was kind enough to share his light sabers with Dom (David).

By the time he got home, I was ready to get out of there! He put the kids to bed, and I went and met Michael & Matt's beautiful little newborn, Noah. I don't have any pictures (A. I forgot to take some and B. I didn't ask permission), but I can assure you he was the sweetest, and fell asleep in my arms. Loving the baby snuggles!

Sunday morning I was playing bass, so I was at church from 730-1230. It's an exhausting commitment being on the worship team. I think if Dave and/or myself worked a 9-5 job during the week we'd have to quit worship/media team. It takes up 2 hours of your Saturday and 5 hours of your Sunday. David didn't make it to church, which meant I had freedom between services! No Emilia means I can snuggle more babies! I snatched Emmett and carried him for a bit, until he also fell asleep. He's a bit heavier than Noah, and boy was my arm feeling it by the time I had to hand him back!

Sunday afternoon was sunny again, so we played outside some more. Dom wanted to wear his Canucks jersey so he could play hockey with Daddy. Then the neighbour boy came over to play (which made Dom shy), but the kids and I sat in the van and cheered him and Dave on for a bit. Another neighbour ran down to join in on the action for a few minutes too. Love it!

Just prepping him for later in the weekend...

Face off!

That evening we went for dinner at Oma D's with Scott & Ashleigh. She is back at it again, making meatballs, gravy, potatoes... all the delicious comfort food! We played a game of Crazy Dice afterwards, while the kids ran around and around in circles in her apartment. I'm not sure they've ever laughed that hard. It's so fun watching them form memories like this when I can remember being little running around my grandparents' houses like this!

Today I went to work all morning, but David sent me this video. A monumental moment! Dominic has decided he is ready to drive his BMW!!!