Thursday 30 November 2017

Thankful Thursday - 110

This week I am thankful for...

1. Date with myself! I had a dentist appointment on Wednesday out by Metrotown. I went to the appointment (boo), but didn't have any cavities (yay!). Afterwards I went to peruse Metrotown for a little bit and pick up a couple small things for Christmas. I was feeling munchie, so I hit up the Food Court and got a Poutine from New York Fries for the first time in YEARS! It was lovely, except for the alarm and warning over the loud speakers that they were investigating a firearm situation in the mall... I left after my food instead of doing some more shopping as planned. Oh well! Was nice to get out for a couple hours :). Advantages of having a husband with a semi-flexible schedule!! Also, Dom was SOOOO excited to see me when I got home! 

2. Reacting well in stressful situations. Maybe a silly example, but a couple nights ago at around 1230 we were awoken by a beep. We didn't think much of it until it kept happening. I sent David to check the fire alarm batteries, forgetting that he doesn't do well in the middle of the night. He wandered the house for a bit and decided he could only find one fire alarm, and the beeping continued. I asked him to press the button on the one upstairs outside our room as it sounded like that one was beeping. OOPS! Bad idea! It tested the alarm and started beeping and loudly saying, "FIRE!" Oh dear... right outside the baby's room and right in David's face. My bad... I got out of bed and disconnected the fire alarm, but the random beeps continued. It wasn't long before I realized it was the Carbon Monoxide detector beeping. Ah... quickly replaced the batteries and went back to bed. I got kind of frustrated with David and may have told him he was being useless, but I apologized after and realized I function okay being awoken like that, whereas he takes a good 10-15 minutes to "come to" when he wakes up. Haha sorry dear!!

3. David's car is NOT written off. David was in the middle of a 4 car rear-ender on November 1st. He has been sore, but mostly okay (thank goodness!). His car had some superficial damage, but ICBC checked it out and said it was fixable. We were scared it was going to be written off, because we would not get good money for it and cannot afford to buy a new car right now. That was great news, and then we got a call yesterday from the shop telling us the damage was much more extensive than they thought and the car should have been written off, but they are just going to take the hit and fix it instead. GASP! Someone must be looking out for us! Nobody could explain why this happened. 

4. A full weekend! I've been having some cabin fever lately, so it was really nice for me to fill up our weekend with fun things! 

Friday I went to the church for wreath making with the Women's Ministry. Love my new wreath!

On Saturday, Adam, Scott & Courtney came over for games, pizza and a movie. A great way to break up my day!

On Sunday I had to miss church because David had to be there to take photos, and Dom naps during church. I was sad about it, but we went over to David's parents house for part of the Grey Cup game and dinner. Then we came home and Jeff, Scott & Courtney joined us for some more games! 

Three generations of Kimber men!

Finally, on Monday Oma & Aunty Sonya came over and we made Christmas cards together all day! We had a great time, and Dom was a champ, keeping himself occupied all day!

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