Wednesday 22 November 2017


Life has just been zooming by lately. Every day when I go to watch the News online from the previous evening I am shocked by the date I'm plugging in. I'm watching November 21 news? That means it's already the 22nd?! Oh my. 

In a short while I'll be planning lunches and getting ready to go back to work. My official first day is set for January 8. 

This is what I've been up to lately!

Lots of hiding from the rain with my boys

Lots of supervising this MONKEY!

Lots of reading books

We missed church on Sunday due to nap time (again... I can't wait till we're down to 1 nap!), so we decorated for Christmas a little bit! I just LOVE the lights.

Dominic was naturally enthralled by the lights.

My brother's picked up this ridiculously cute Santa suit for Dom and it fits him perfectly! Here he is cruising around Opa & Oma's place with his new walker and his cozy outfit! I need a grown up one of these!

I got together with Katrina & Kerriann with their littles again. It is always so great to see them, and I still miss our weekly visits! Sam has such a nice smile in this picture. 

Lots of snuggles with the teething boy

He loves to go through the diaper bag and rip everything out of it, so I let him. And then I heard a pop and a splatter the other day. CHEERIOS EVERYWHERE! He was so excited. Frantically trying to cram them all in his mouth. I had to laugh.

I knitted some hats!! I need to get some boy colour yarn so I can knit Dom one now. The one on the left fits him perfectly, but... not sure He wants to wear the pink and brown.

Photo credit to David for these next few. Can't be in the kitchen without this little clinger! 

Interrupting my 16 week belly photo shoot <3

I am cherishing my Stay at Home Mom moments more and more each day right now as I count down to going back to work. This morning Dom slept in until 7am. If he is up at this time every day next year too, I won't even see him in the mornings! That's enough to make me super sad!
Yesterday Dom woke up crying after 30 minutes from his morning nap. Very unusual for him. I went upstairs to give him some Motrin for his teeth and give him a snuggle. He fussed and whined for 10-15 minutes and then fell asleep on my lap in the La-z-Boy recliner in his room. I didn't even have my phone with me because I didn't expect that. He fell asleep so deeply and I couldn't believe how big he was. He has never been the type to fall asleep in our arms (since he was a newborn). I can think of twice that it's happened since he was 3-4 months old. It was a really special moment for me yesterday. Between the pregnancy hormones and the stress of going back to work I definitely teared up. If this happened while I was at work I would have missed it. I would have missed the incredible feeling of his hand on my chest and his breathing. I would have missed his little twitches and smiles in his sleep, his snoring, his noises. I feel like he has never slept so peacefully in his life. I was actually able to stand up and walk downstairs and put him on the couch before he woke up because I had to check the time. Turns out I may have dozed a little too, as before I knew it an hour had passed and it was way beyond time to get up! A part of me wished I had my phone just to document that moment, but instead I took in every breath and movement with more intention than I have in months. It was something small and simple, but I wouldn't have traded that moment for anything. 

1 comment:

  1. Nothing better than your baby sleeping in your arms!!
    Love the shot of him looking up from the lights.
