Tuesday 21 November 2017

15 Weeks (ECLAIR) - 2.0: Nov 14-20

  • We are 5 weeks away from finding out the gender of this little Beeb. Originally I was really hoping for a boy because I figure they could be best friends, and we're all set up for a boy already. Now, every time I go into a store I see the ADORABLE little girl clothes and can't help dreaming about a girl! Looks like it's a wash! We will be happy either way... Surprise!
  • Second trimester energy is so nice. I think it's just a normal person level of energy, but after the beat-down of first trimester I feel like a super-human. I am able to keep the house semi-orderly, walk the dog, make a meal plan, occasionally follow through with the meal plan, make a budget (a very tight one...), and have time to enjoy a cup of tea and a book!
  • I am feeling little flips and flops and tickles inside a couple times each day. Most of the time it's still so fleeting I hardly have a chance to clue in before it's stopped. I can NOT wait for the bigger movements! It was my favorite part of pregnancy I think. Although Dom was nice and rarely woke me up at night to dance. Here's a video from very late in my third trimester with Dom... This is scary movements. I am so glad I caught this on video. Totally creepy alien! 
  • I get the most outrageous head-rushes and dizziness a lot of the time when I stand up. I've always had low blood pressure, but it's been pretty bad lately. I often just have to drop and put my head between my legs to keep from fainting. So far that has done the trick and after 10-15 seconds I'm good to go again. I'm careful not to stand up and go straight to the stairs or stand up holding Dominic for these reasons. I remember this symptom from the first pregnancy too. 
  • Time seems to really be flying. All of a sudden we're going to find out the gender, Dom is going to turn 1, I'll be back at work, and then off work again, and then we will have another newborn... It still seems surreal. 
  • I will eat a big meal, and I know I should be full, but right after dinner I have this feeling that my stomach is going to growl and I'm hungry again. I've learned that this usually just means I'm craving something. Lucky for me, that craving is usually chocolate! A little bite of chocolate and I'm feeling full and satisfied again! 
  • By the end of this week my belly-button is pretty much an outie. This has happened so much earlier than my first pregnancy! 
  • We had a midwife appointment on Thursday. 
    • Baby HR: 146 BPM
    • My weight: 118.5 lb. The midwife was... not concerned about my lack of gain, but she definitely addressed it a few times. I have been "ordered" to eat more frequently. She specified that I should be eating healthy too, but I just heard frequently ;)
    • Blood Pressure: 107/56. She said my diastolic was quite low, and asked if I'd been light headed at all. Um.... yes! She reminded me to also drink more water and don't get up too fast. Yes. I definitely should drink more water!
  • 15 Weeks pregnant with Dominic
  • 15 Weeks Huggies Graphic
Pregnant lady

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