Thursday 8 February 2018

Thankful Thursday - 119

This week I am thankful for...

1. Time for me. I had a chiropractor appointment last week and I got a haircut. Amazing how these little things you do to take care of yourself make all the difference!

This photo is blurry, but I just love the look he is giving me. Moments like this are when you realize that all the hard work is worth it <3

2. My little helper. Dominic has really started wanting to help out with "grown up" jobs. He's entering the do it yourself phase of toddler-hood, which is fun... but slow. Not pictured: Dominic trying to clip his own nails. How does one clip a toddler's finger/toe-nails?!?! He freaks out and just wants to do it himself! Which obviously he can't do...

Vacuuming at Opa & Oma's house and at home

Blurry photos of him lint-brushing the couch and my legs after seeing me do my pants before church. 

Helping me in the kitchen.

3. Nesting. On Tuesday I used nap time productively instead of resting like I probably should have been. I set up baby's bassinet and Dom's crib we bought off Amy & Brent! 

4. Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage. Our small group has been doing this series for 10 weeks now, and we have 2 weeks left. I've really been enjoying it, and David has too! There is so much truth to what the speaker talks about. We have used the tools learned in many areas and we definitely notice an improvement in our communication and understanding of each other. 

5. Uncles. Dom doesn't even know how lucky he is to have so many uncles & aunts! Here is a super cute photo of Jeff & Scott showing Dom their old cars Mom & Dad kept around. 

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