Wednesday 7 February 2018

A Day in the Life

A typical day looks a lot different now than it did just a month or two ago. Now I am gone before Dominic wakes up for the day. David gets him out of bed, dressed, fed, and dropped off to Daycare 2-3 days a week. I am grateful for the break this gives me, but mostly I just miss being home and watching him grow up! I swear every day I come home from work I feel like he's a different baby. I feel like he knows more, like he's walking more, like he's learned all these new things without me! 

A typical day when I'm home with Dom looks something like this...

Morning Time - Wake up, have some breakfast and play around in our jammies.

He loves his water bottle. He especially loves sharing it with me and laughing when I pretend to slurp up all his water. 

On Tuesdays we get dressed go to EE's, Oma's work for a snack, and Noah's Ark.

After Noah's Ark, we come home for a quick lunch and then off to nap time!

On Fridays David is home with Dom. This is what happens when you leave baby with Dad... Haha!! He sent this to me while I was at work and I had a good laugh.

Dominic typically sleeps for 2-2.5 hours, and then when he gets up it's time for a snack! Usually some milk/water, and cheese, crackers and some sort of fruit/vegetable. 

The rest of the afternoon/evening (if we're staying home) is spent playing, cuddling, dancing/listening to music, bath time if it's bath day, and eating dinner!

Trying to turn up the music with the remote. How do they even know to point it at the TV? We HARDLY ever use the remote because we don't have cable!

Goofy face while he snuggles with Dad <3

So hard to get a smiling picture of him this day. He's very happy, but just not performing for the camera! Finally caught one!

He looks a LOT like my brother Jeff in this picture. I feel like there's a picture somewhere of Jeff that I could put beside this one and you could hardly tell the difference. I can see it in my head. 

He is so very determined to learn how to use his utensils. I gave him a little yogurt in a bowl, and he spent 10 minutes happily trying to scrape it out with his fork.

Toilet familiarization before going in the bath.

The bedtime routine begins about 30 minutes before bedtime usually. We bring down his jammies, night-time diaper and sleepsack. He knows right away what's going on. This means it's time for Dad to CHASE ME AROUND THE HOUSE WHILE I SCREAM AND LAUGH LIKE A MANIAC!!! This is one of the highlights of my day. Dom gets this look on his face and charges away, begging to be chased. He and Dave crawl/giggle all around the main floor for a few minutes until Dom seeks refuge with me. The it's time for the diaper change and into the jammies. This is followed by some more playing, or a quick TV show/snuggle (depending on his mood). If we're playing, he will eventually go grab his sleep sack and carry it over to us. "Put this on. I'm ready for bed!" We put it on, make a bottle and zip upstairs to say goodnight. I cherish our bedtime routine right now, and I'm super protective of it. In a few months everything is going to change, and some days now I put him to bed and don't get to see him until the following afternoon. 

Couch snuggles happen best beside me now, because of the belly. When we ask Dom, "Where's the baby?" he will proudly point to my belly, or occasionally his own belly. I'm pretty convinced he thinks belly-buttons are called babies. <3

It's especially special for me because Dom is gravitating more to Dave now than he used to. Dave is the primary waker-upper, dropper-offer, and he spends all day solo with him on Fridays now. In some ways it's nice that I'm not the sole provider in Dom's eyes anymore, but it's also a change. Change is hard!

Once Dom is happily asleep in bed (about 30 seconds after I leave his room 99% of the time), then David and I have 3 hours to be adults! Watch TV, go out if we have a sitter, play games, have people over... I HIGHLY recommend an early bedtime for your little ones (630-7pm for us). I can't imagine not having that grown up time every evening. 

Our lives are going to change so much in 3 short months. I know I won't regret documenting (romanticizing) the way things are now. 

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