Wednesday 14 February 2018

Family Day Long Weekend

Because I have Tuesdays off too, this was an extra long weekend for me!
Long & busy!

Friday evening we have Scott & Courtney over for some games and snacks. 

Saturday morning we putter around at home, and then I jet off to band practice at church because I play bass on Sunday. David has a shoot, so when I get home he runs out. In the evening there is a pub night fundraiser at the Dublin Crossing Pub for the youth Mexico Missions team from church. David's parents come over and have some Dom time while we go to the fundraiser and enjoy some grown up time :).

Sunday morning I am up and out of the house for church. I pick up some Tim Horton's donuts because it is Katrina's birthday and she is singing with us. We wait until we're done practicing and are in the fireside room waiting for the rest of the team for prayer to eat our donuts. The donuts arrive at the door, and the carrier (I'll leave her name out haha) has her hands full with her breakfast and the donuts. She goes to open the door and all of a sudden we hear Jake from inside the room with us, "THEY'RE GOING DOWN!!" It happens in slow motion. The box of donuts goes flying and there are donuts all over the floor just outside the room. The donut box sticks to the wall and we run out to see the damage. Pastor Dave is frantically scooping up donut pieces and putting them back into the box (and into his mouth). Katrina and I are just laughing hysterically at the whole situation. In the end we get all the donut-halves back into the box, and most of the "real grown-ups" avoid eating the floor donuts. Jake, Katrina and I have no problem. I, myself had 4 halves at least. "The carrier" felt so terrible that the birthday donuts fell to the ground, but it was the highlight of the morning. Great to start off my day with a good laugh.

After church we're back home for nap-time and lunch-time. Scott & Courtney join us for waffles, because Scott & David want to wash Scott's new car. During Dominic's nap I take Sherlock for a nice walk around the neighborhood. I cannot get over the weather this weekend. It is SO gorgeous. So different than it has been with all the rain and gloom.

I didn't take any pictures during my walk or that afternoon, but this is the view from what will be Dom's new bedroom. Taken Sunday morning around 7am. Mountains and clear skies!!

When Dom gets up, we pack up the car and head to UBC to celebrate Sam's first birthday party (on his mom's birthday... double celebration!). The drive down is gorgeous, and Katrina and Brayden set up their place really nicely to host. It was a special day :). Dominic has a blast running around with the other kids and trying to mooch off of everyone's plates. We leave at around 6pm and hope to keep Dom awake on the way home to put him to bed at the normal time. SUCCESS! With some help from Paw Patrol & Raffi we're able to keep him awake and happy for the whole drive. That whole portion of the evening was super enjoyable and not stressful for David, Dom and I. I was worried the drives would be rough, but it all goes so smoothly and we all had fun!

Miss Isla got a hold of Dom's water bottle. Good thing he doesn't mind sharing :) She's so sweet. Another blonde, blue-eyed babe! I wonder what our little girl is going to look like!

Henry is a great big brother for Sam. It makes me excited to see how Dom will do as a big brother.

Center of attention

Cheesy grin marching around begging for food...

He succeeded in convincing Katrina to share Sam's banana with him.

Like I've said before, I don't realize what a monster he is until I see him next to other one-year-olds. These two are only 6 weeks apart.

Sam enjoyed a few bites of his cupcake and then proceeded to chuck the rest on the floor. Not quite like Dom's first cupcake smash. He let no crumb go to waste!

Dom trying to help with the present opening

We get home and put Dom to bed, and very shortly after that, my brothers come over to watch Will Ferrell SNL skits. We used to watch these CONSTANTLY, and have all these inside jokes and quotes that come up every time we're together. Courtney, Aly and David hadn't seen them, so we had to make them privvy to our inside jokes. After a while of that, Adam & Aly head home, so the rest of us play a "quick" game of Settlers and then it's off to bed around 1130. LONG DAY! Jeff sleeps over so he can have some Dom time in the morning.

Monday we wake up with no plans, but it ends up being a busy day too! Breakfast, Olympics and play time with Uncle Jeff in the morning. Then we're off to my parent's house for crepe brunch with Oma D. We come home for Dom's nap (and a little nap for myself), and Dave is off to a shoot in Coquitlam. 

This little stink-pot! After his long day on Saturday I expected a good sleep in Sunday morning. That is my first mistake! at 6:20 in the morning I hear him rustling around in his crib. I look at the monitor and see him bring the whole basin part of his humidifier (that he's never expressed any interest in or tried to touch from his crib) INTO his crib with him. My first thought is that it's going to get water everywhere, or he's going to hurt himself. Neither of these things happen. He plays with it for a little bit, then tries to get it back out of his crib but doesn't have the power to lift it up and over the rails. He eventually gives up and just lays down beside it and goes back to "sleep" (or rest). SUCH a stinker!!

Babies with hats

Uncle Jeff showing Dom the ropes of watching the Olympics - where Canada won gold in the Men's Moguls Skiing

A brunch visit with Oma isn't complete without a good game of Crazy Dice! Dom was very intrigued by this, and you can see him with Oma peeking his little noggin over the table. 

I adore this photo. Especially the juxtaposition between Dom's facial expression and Oma's :) Oma had a rough turn at Crazy Dice it looks like.

While he's out we get a call from his parents to see if we're free to go to Bear Creek Park with them after Dom's nap. SURE, why not? It's a gorgeous day and we want to get out anyway! Dom is cold and grumpy at the park, so we find a bench and give him a snack. Nothing like some food to cheer this guy up! After our brief visit at Bear Creek, we head back to Gramma & Grandpa's for some Chinese food and play time. I haven't had Chinese food in years, and it is delicious. I over indulge slightly, but what else is new really. 

Not loving the swing today

Grandpa & Dom enjoying a snack

Couldn't resist a super shadow-y selfie in the GORGEOUS sunshine. I could have sat there all day - if it was a couple degrees warmer maybe.

He did a very thorough vacuum of their living room with the popper vacuum. In the little corner behind the couch even!

We are so so thankful we live close to our families. I could never move away! This is as far away as I need to be.

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