Monday 19 February 2018

Snuggles & Snow!

The weather turned cold, snowy and sunny this weekend; a welcome change. The dark, dreary winter days really take a toll on me and my energy. 

Little walking snot-factory

While this weekend was beautiful, sickness and hormones took over! Dom has some sort of bug which means he requires extra attention from me. Then I got all hormonal over talking about moving him into the bigger bedroom so the new baby can have his nursery room when she comes around. Why is he growing up so fast?! He's going to be so sad moving rooms! This little nursery will always be his first bedroom! Oh hormones... leave me alone!

Saturday started out as a movie day on the couch. Dom was not feeling great and only wanted to snuggle. I'll TAKE IT! We sat and watched Moana, and he literally cuddled and watched the entire movie. This means something... This boy has a 5 minute attention span for watching shows/movies. The rest of the day I was cooped up inside with Dom feeling sorry for myself. I told Dave I was just having a "Woe is me" day. I think we're all allowed those every so often. 

Sunday I was determined to be better! We started off the day with some Olympics and a hot coffee, and then skipped church due to the amount of snot coming from Dom's face. (Nobody wants that in the nursery... that's probably where he caught this bug in the first place!). Instead of church we went out for a walk in the sun, cold & snow! Crisp mornings like this remind me why I love our area so much. Absolutely gorgeous with the mountains, farms, and suburban neighborhood. 

Representing Canada with my Maple Leaf Sweetlegs :)

We hosted brunch at our house so Dominic could nap, and made Belgian waffles for most of David's family. They turned out so delicious, and then we sat and talked for a couple hours at the table with everyone. I asked Dave ahead of time if we could refrain from turning on the TV (I knew it would be easy to fall into the Olympics trap) and just hang out together. I'm so glad we were intentional about this. We had some great talks and laughs together. 

Mom & Dad came over and made dinner at our house in the evening (how did we score THAT deal?!) and Scott & Courtney joined us. Roast chicken with gravy on top of toasted cranberry bread. Droooool! 

I can't wait for our Summer days when I'm not working and Dom can go play in our "yard", or on our patio while I take care of our new baby girl. If I romanticize it enough it will just be perfect right? RIGHT?! Dominic will be a perfect angel right? Don't kid yourself Renee, you're just entering one of the more exhausting/trying seasons of your life!

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