Monday 22 January 2018

Weekend Happenings

Another busy, but wonderful weekend in the Kimber household!

Saturday morning we packed up and headed to IKEA. I was going through my wallet the other day, emptying out old receipts, and I came across a $50 IKEA gift card. I have no idea when/where we got it, but SCORE!! We did some shopping with a very happy Dominic, and then grabbed some breakfast together. Without keeping track or trying, our total bill at IKEA came out to $50.76. Cheap date for us with the gift card!

Couldn't get a good picture of him because he was too excited. He's dancing and drumming away on the buggy, waving and giggling at everyone who walks by. 

When we got home I was SO excited to repurpose this shoe organizer I randomly decided to pick up from IKEA. Sometimes impulse purchases are the best ones. 

Busy morning for this guy leads to relaxing on the floor with his blanket! He's such a happy, friendly baby 90% of the time <3

In the afternoon/evening, we celebrated David's mom's birthday. The original plan was go to to Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam and enjoy the lights, but the weather was not cooperating, so we hosted appetizers, games and dessert at our house. I like hosting these sorts of things because it makes us clean our house. Also, when we host we don't have to worry about finding a sitter for Dom or getting back in time for bed. More relaxing/easier for us. 

I really need to get better at documenting these sorts of events in photos. I took one photo of the evening and it's not good. At least Rachel, Grandpa and the food are in focus! 
I have a hilarious picture of David with the apparatus in his mouth from the "Watch Your Mouth" game, but I did not ask permission to post, and it's pretty embarrassing.

Sunday morning our power went out... again!! It goes out almost every wind storm. We went to church, where the power was also out, and enjoyed an acoustic service and Soup & Buns lunch in the dark. 

Dom & Sherlock watching the wind together

Dom & his adorable friend Sam, who turns 1 in just a few weeks! I can't tell if it's forced perspective or if Dom is really just a giant... I don't realize how big he is until we go out of our environment or around other kids his age. Or until we go somewhere and every. single. person. comments on his size.

We went home for a nap (for all of us), and then we dropped Dom off at my parents' house so we could have a little date! We went to Tynehead to walk Sherlock first, and then dropped him off at home and went to the Vault for dinner. We're trying to have some date nights before this next baby comes, because once that happens we know it will be a while, and it's much harder to leave two babies at home than just the one. It was really lovely to connect with no distractions for a few hours, and the food at the Vault was just perfect! I got the grilled chicken & brie pesto fettuccine. YUM! Just had the leftovers for lunch :)

No phone use on date night means no pictures either, unfortunately. I managed to sneak this one in ;) 

I have today and tomorrow off from work, so I'm trying to make the most of my time off. That includes taking a nap, so off I go!

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