Thursday 18 January 2018

Thankful Thursday - 116

This week I am feeling thankful for...

1. Electricity. Wow, do we ever take this for granted. On Sunday, right as I was getting up and getting ready to get Dom up for the day our power went out. It was out for about 6.5 hours, but we definitely noticed the impact. In the morning it was breakfast by candlelight and flashlight, which was actually kind of fun and cozy. No morning news for me, which forced us to play and socialize more. The only real complaint we had was that we didn't have heat, and we couldn't make bacon and eggs. Oh and that we had to manually open our garage door... that's a first world problem if I ever heard one!

2. Storage solutions/Bidding Site Wins. I LOVE it when things have their place. I love organization, although I've had to let go of some of my perfectionism to allow for life. I am very excited to have this toy storage solution.
I gotta say... sometimes I love the bidding sites on Facebook. Most of the time they're a pain in the butt, but we've gotten so much stuff (especially baby stuff) off there!
Some of our big wins over the last year and a bit have been: diapers (seriously people, keep your eyes open for diapers on there), toys (SO MANY BABY TOYS!), baby swings, exersaucers, clothes (we got TONS of excellent condition baby clothes for very very cheap), books, maternity/nursing clothes, bassinet for baby #2, stroller, scrap-booking tools/supplies, Dom's Halloween costume, and more! 
Our latest buy is this IKEA Trofast toy storage system. Before this, we had a big clear bucket for Dom's toys, with diapers stored on the couch and other little buckets of toys around as well. WHAT an improvement. This thing sells for $83 brand new, and we got it for $27 and didn't have to go shopping. Such a score in my Dutch, penny-pinching mind. 

I can't wait to get some more bins and print some labels!

I didn't think to take a "before" picture of our previous set-up, but trust me... this looks 100x better!

3. Dominic. Being back at work is hard. I put him to bed at night, and I don't get to see him until 330 the next day. Then it's busy dinner-time and bath-time, a little bit of play-time and then off to bed until the next day again. I am really grateful to have Tuesdays and weekends off, but it's always a little sad putting him to bed at night. I swear he changes from one day to the next when I don't get to see him. All of a sudden he's signing more, walking more, and having this little boy attitude! He's such a cheeky monkey, and I'm so so happy he's mine <3. 

Reading ME a bed-time story for a change <3 <3 <3

4. Life hacks. I read somewhere about getting your kids eating bananas more easily. Dom loves bananas, but he always got so frustrated because they're so slippery. He couldn't pick them up. I don't trust him to just eat a chunk and take bites off because, well... he shoves it ALL in his mouth! The life hack is to cut up the bananas and then coat them in cheerio crumbs to give them some grip. GENIUS! This is now part of his breakfast most mornings, and he LOVES it.

Mmmm... appetizing!

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