Tuesday 2 January 2018

21 Weeks (LEAST WEASEL/CARROT) - 2.0: Dec 26-Jan 1

  • Baby is about 10.5 inches long from head to toe, and weighs as much as a can of coke :)
  • I am back to work SO SOON! There is soo much to get done still for myself to feel mentally prepared...
  • I have a major sweet tooth with this pregnancy. I don't recall it being this bad with Dom. If I could, I'd have cinnamon buns, chocolate chip cookies, coke, and hot chocolate all day long. I have to be very conscious about eating real meals. I'm hoping returning to work and having a meal plan and packing lunches will help with my random mid-day indulgences. I can't eat what's not there right?!
  • I feel like every day there is a new pregnancy announcement or baby announcement! It is so exciting! ALL THE BABIES!
  • Every so often if the right side of my abdomen is pushed on, I get a pretty bad pain. During my ultrasound last week I almost had to ask the tech to stop at one point because it was hurting a lot. I don't know if it just depends how baby is positioned or what, because it's not all the time... I'll have to ask the midwife at my next appointment. 
  • I slipped down 4 stairs the other day and landed smack on my tailbone. It hurt quite a bit, and scared the crap out of David. I took my time getting up, and it seems like baby is A-okay. Babies are so well protected at this point, it would take a lot to hurt them. I, however, am in pain!! Mostly just my arm/shoulder/back and my tailbone. Manageable though with the use of the heating pad. Such a classic Renee move. I'm just grateful I wasn't holding Dom at the time; our laptop, on the other hand, got thrown to the ground... Oops!
  • This week I started noticing my belly visibly moving when baby kicked hard. So fun when you can see it moving around from the outside!
  • 21 Weeks Pregnant with Dominic
  • 21 Weeks Huggies Graphic
    Pregnant lady

1 comment:

  1. Your belly is just perfect. 20-30 weeks is my fave! Eat the cinnamon buns - your midwife told you to gain some weight :)
