Saturday 27 January 2018

Dominic - 13 Months

I'm not quite ready to give up the monthly posts yet. SO much changes at this stage of life. I feel like waiting until a year and a half is too long and I'd regret it. 

So... without further ado...

Near impossible to keep him on the couch now. He just jumps off and runs away!

Weight: 27.8 lb (100+ percentile) - thinking now that he's walking he'll start thinning out? Maybe?
Length: 30.25 inches (60th percentile)

  • Being chased/tickled. 
  • Buckles, snaps, zippers, puzzles, lego... anything he has to "figure out". 
  • Bath time (as always). It's a go to if he's grumpy.
  • Paw Patrol theme song. Lots of dancing and pointing and clapping for Paw Patrol. He gets 1-2 episodes a day, although his attention span isn't long enough for a full episode. It's mostly just on in the background after the first 5 minutes. 
  • Books. He still loves to read books, or point to the animals in particular. 
  • Animals. Seriously... he is an animal lover. I adore this and hope he keeps it up, because I LOVE animals too!
  • The Donald Duck voice. It was really really hysterical for one day, and now it's still pretty amusing to him.
  • Routine. He likes to know what's going on. He's relatively flexible when we change things up, but he definitely appreciates consistency.
  • Raffi. So. Much. Raffi. He particularly likes "If you're bananas and you know it let it ring..." and "Owl Singalong" which is really cute. Right when the owl song comes on he points to TV (playing through spotify on chromecast) and starts hooting. 

  • Being left in the church nursery. Is that literally all I can think of? Man, he's an easy baby...
  • He no longer has an issue 90% of the time being put into the car seat or stroller. He is more excited about the car seat than anything because I let him play with the buckles for a few seconds, and then he gets his super cool remote toy (AKA the worst kid toy ever!). If he gets fussy in the stroller on a walk... SNACK TIME! 
  • He is now walking all over the place. It is his mode of choice for getting around. He can't stand up without pulling up on a wall or furniture, but once he's up... he's gone! 
  • He is signing "milk", "all done", and "more" quite consistently now. If you ask if he's all done, he will just laugh at you and sign "more". We're working on "thank you" and "help". He gets frustrated with things sometimes and if I ask if he needs help and do the sign then he smiles, signs "more" and is much happier when I help him. At least he's trying! 
  • He loves routine. At 6:30 when we bring down his jammies, sleepsack and night-time diaper he immediately knows what's going on. We strip him down and change his diaper, and then chase him around before putting on his jammies. Then it's play/snuggle time with us. If we're playing, he'll casually walk/crawl over to his sleep-sack, pick it up and point out the owls on it, "Hooo hoooo!" and try to put it on himself. That's how we know it's time for bed. Then if he's in the sleep sack and we haven't started making the bottle yet he gets annoyed and starts signing for milk. Once the bottle is done he promptly starts waving goodbye to everyone in the room. He's got this thing down! Makes bedtime SO so easy. It's like a 5 minute ordeal, and he's asleep within 2 minutes of me putting him down. I love it. I cherish our bedtime moments, and I'm quite possessive of the bedtime routine for now. 
  • He shakes his head to say "no" when he doesn't wan't something. 
  • Every morning getting him out of the crib he is SO so happy. He springs up and shows us his blanket and teddy bear. He is in zero rush to get out of his crib. It's like he's telling us all about his night and his adventures with his bear. He stands up and points to things in his room. The pictures, the owl night-light (Whoo whooo!), his bear, the window... 
  • The day after he turned 1 we dropped him down to 1 nap and haven't looked back! The day we went down to 1, he slept for 2.5 hours and started sleeping 12-13 hours at night again. We actually have to wake him up some mornings. Ahhhhh I hope the next baby is as good a sleeper! 
  • We have also completely ditched bottles except for one before bed, which is 100% more for me than for him. he doesn't need it... I just really like the snuggles before I put him down and don't get to see him until the next afternoon when I get off work. 
  • He is such a little introvert. He loves to sit and play by himself quietly with puzzles, lego, buckles, books, his blanket... I love the quiet time it gives me, and I hope this continues as he grows!
  • He can point to his nose, eyes and mouth when asked, "Where's your _____?" He thinks it's pretty funny if we ask where his nose is and he points to his forehead or his cheek, though. 
  • If he's toying around with his food and I say, "put it in your mouth!" he will almost every time, unless it's something he actually doesn't like. 
  • He seems to be very particular. He doesn't really like his food to be all mixed together. Likes compartments. His milk must be in the cup-holder if he is not currently drinking it. 
  • He is showing signs of "possessiveness" over me. If I'm at the church nursery with him, or at Noah's Ark, and Devin, in particular, Dom will crawl over and into my lap and take over. I don't want to reinforce this behavior so I just ignore him. I don't know if that helps or not...
  • I'm trying to teach him what a baby is and that there's a baby in my belly. He likes to drum on my bump and play with my belly-button. If a baby picture of him comes up on the TV (we have pictures scrolling a lot of the time), then I'll say, "Where's the baby?!" And he'll point up there. 
  • He is working on using utensils. He seems to prefer working with a fork than a spoon. Spent way too long trying to pick up each little bean in his chili the other day with his fork. I love watching him process and work at things. 
  • He's been having more frequent yucky (mushy) poops. I don't know if it's dietary, the change in routine, teething? He doesn't seem overly bothered by it... it's just a nuisance.
  • He has adjusted pretty well to our new routine (Daycare 2-3 days a week). The first week was tough, but he is now napping regularly there, and doesn't get sad when we drop him off or anything. He has a nice little friend there which is a bonus! 
  • He is MUCH better with diaper changes than he was just a month ago. Most of the time he will lay there and talk to you or listen to you sing or play with a toy. He even lifts his legs for me sometimes so I can wipe him. Whew! Keep it up!
  • He doesn't have much in the way of words. It's mostly signs and sounds right now. My phone is still confidently "ma ma"... David is becoming "Da da", puppy is "BUHHHHHHHH.......BA"... He's constantly talking to us and I'm sure he thinks he's making perfect sense, but mostly it just comes out as jibberish :)
Oh Dom... can't wait to see you be a big brother! Hopefully you can continue being this intelligent, independent boy. We'll work on "gentle" with you, and before you know it, you and your little sister will be BEST friends. 

Typical Day:
7am - wake up & diaper change
715am - breakfast (oatmeal w/ peanutbutter, banana in cheerio crumbs, and milk)
8am - David brings Dom to daycare (2-3 days a week)
930am - snack time if needed (some cheerios, veggie straws... whatever we need)
11am - lunch
12pm - Nap 
2/245pm - Wake up from nap (nap is usually at minimum 2 hours, but can go longer depending on his mood)
230/3pm - snack time (something like: cheese, crackers, cucumber, milk/water)
330pm - I pick Dom up from daycare if he's there
5pm - dinner time
630pm - jammies & cuddles/play-time in living room
7pm - 4oz bottle and bedtime!

Favorite pictures from the last month...

The box that he eventually pooped in and had to be thrown out :(

Feeling baby sister kick <3

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