Thursday 24 December 2020

Thankful Thursday - 245

 This week I am thankful for...

1. BC Recovery Benefit. 2020 has been the year of government financial benefits for us! We both claimed CERB at some point, our monthly child tax benefit has gone up, we got $1,000 from BC government at the beginning of the pandemic, and now we're getting another $1,000 for the BC Recovery Benefit. We do have low income since Dave's business has write-offs, and I work less than half-time, so it makes us eligible for the aid. It's definitely a lifestyle choice for us and we sacrifice a lot, but it works for our family!

2. Gifts from the Realtors. I feel like every couple months Greg & Liz Holmes show up with some sort of gift for us! We do refer them to a lot of people, and quite a few of our friends/family have bought through them as a result. On Saturday they arrived with this huge box of Krause Berry Farms goodies! Just in time for our family Christmas! The fudge... is to die for!

3. Advent Activities. Today is the last day of advent activities! This last week has been a bit of a struggle. Dom got sick, and things just got busy, so we had to do some juggling! In the last week we've watched Charlie Brown Christmas, done storytime with Gramma & Grandpa and Oma & Opa, opened presents, done a candy cane hunt, etc. Tonight we will watch Christmas Eve service, and the kids will open their stockings!

Our planned activity wasn't going to work out, so I quickly threw some things in with the krinkle paper from our Krause box and called it a Christmas activity haha.

4. Cousin reunion. We have only seen Rebecca a handful of times in the last 10 months due to COVID. Rachel and Kyle moved to a house in Abbotsford, and we had some gifts to deliver. We brought them over on Sunday, and the kids snuck off to the play room for a bit. The adults all wore masks the entire time, but it was amazing to catch up. Albeit a bit against the rules... 

Rebecca's play room is like a doll house! So fun!

5. Dom is feeling better. After our visit on Sunday, we came home and sent the kids to quiet/naptime after lunch. Dom came wandering down, and cuddled with me on the couch. Before long, I realized he was not feeling well. He had developed a fever. Just perfect. The ONE time we let him see anyone *face palm*... lesson learned. Anyway it looks like it was just a regular cold virus and for that I am grateful! He's the only one I "worry" about in our little family getting COVID. Every time he gets a chest cold he gets hit harder than any of us. Pluses of Dom not feeling well... a nap on the couch, me sneaking off with fudge and a book while they both napped, and a movie in the afternoon! 

Example of Dom feeling better... Came down like this while I was working during quiet time haha. 

6. Dom felt baby move! Emilia has felt it too, but Dom is just that little bit older that makes it more magical. He feels as though he's really bonding with the baby and it warms my heart. He snuggles right in and gently places his hand on my belly. 

7. SNOW! We had some surprise snow on Monday. I think the snow is pretty, but that's about as far as it goes for me. I don't like the cold, so I would much prefer not to go out in it. We also don't yet have snow tires (I know... I know.)

"Me so handsome! Me need picture!"

8. Christmas cookies from Gramma.
I'm not a person who likes to bake with the kids - I just don't. The kitchen (in my dream world) is my quiet space. I feel bad that the littles didn't get to decorate cookies this year, but Gramma to the rescue! Her and Allana made a bunch of sugar cookies, and brought over icing and sprinkles and the pre-made cookies for the kids to decorate. Genius!

9. Christmas Zoom with Oma D. We were hoping to be able to do a window visit with Oma tomorrow, but Elim is still in outbreak, so it wasn't going to work. We hopped on Zoom today with her and she was very excited to see the kids. She engaged pretty well and was in good spirits. I can't believe I haven't seen her in person since February. She's a completely different person now, but I'm grateful for the technology we have so that we can sort of keep up. 

And because I'm becoming one of "those people"... check out this beautiful loaf!

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