Monday 14 December 2020

Birthday Weekend

Friday December 11 was my 29th birthday. I'm not HUGE into celebrating my birthday, so a COVID birthday isn't detrimental for me. We still found ways to make it special though. Dom had made a card for me at preschool, so he was very excited to give that to me in the morning. Throughout the day the kids played nicely, so I just did my own thing. I relaxed, did my hair/makeup/nails, napped, etc. For dinner we went to my parents' house. They ordered Cactus Club takeout for us all and set up our plates at the table, while they ate at the coffee table in the living room. We were about 20 feet apart which totally worked and felt safe. Then any time we weren't seated, the adults wore masks. It was really good for my soul to see them and do something "normal" even though it wasn't normal at all. 

After Mom & Dad's, we came home, and did our Advent activity (which was "sing Happy Birthday to Mommy"). Scott & Ashleigh were supposed to come over after the kids went to bed for one last games night before Christmas quarantine, but we decided to cancel this engagement out of precaution. 

For my birthday, David got me the two kitchen knives I've been wanting - a new bread knife and a utility knife. The bread knife I ordered before planning to start making sourdough, but boy has that come in handy! Also, I can confirm it is very sharp... It slipped once and barely bumped my finger. I didn't even feel it but apparently it was enough to cut me and make me bleed! Clean cut. 

This sweater with a matching one saying "MINI" came in the mail as the last pieces of the instagram giveaway I won! It came on my birthday and felt just like a birthday present arriving in the mail! 

I got another thing the day before my birthday. Through work I was able to get 50% off some things at Lululemon. I did some personal research for which items might work during pregnancy, and got these Align tights as a birthday gift to myself. NO REGRETS! They are sooo comfortable and I love how they fit. I'll definitely be getting more of these down the road. 

Tuna poke bowl for dinner <3

Birthday dinner - COVID style!

Saturday was a nice low key day as well. Our advent activity was a gingerbread house. We didn't make any rules about it, but the kids did so well with self-control around the candy. Even after making the house, we didn't say anything about whether to eat it or not eat it. They would casually walk by and start picking off icing. Eventually a candy would fall off and I'd see them panic trying to put it back on. I finally whispered, "You can go ahead and eat that one." Before long, they'd be sneaking up to the counter multiple times a day to munch icing and candy off the house. Today they had a little scrum about the house and it fell on the floor. Guess that's that!

David's parents got me some Himilayan bath salts for my birthday. Opa & Oma Gerber dropped off some nonalcoholic wine and beer as well, so I had a nice quiet, hot bath by myself! One day I'll have a tub that will actually fit me and I'll be able to submerge a pregnant belly haha. After my bath and the kids were in bed, we met up on Zoom with Stephanie & Brent to play some online Dominion. Great to connect with them and the game totally worked online which was awesome! It's been too long. 

Yet another low key day on Sunday (lots of these lately as it's David's slow season, and we don't/can't have a social life right now!). I made a loaf of sourdough, we delivered some Christmas cards, and picked up a boeterkoek from Scott & Ashleigh. YUM! Our Advent activity that day was to watch Mickey Mouse - Once Upon a Christmas in the theatre. That worked out really well because Dom has a bit of a head cold and was totally wiped by the evening. So we all went down, watched the movie, and then they were both in bed by 6:30pm. 

Dom teaching Wheelia about Star Wars

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