Tuesday 8 December 2020

21 Weeks (KOOL-AID BURST) - 3.0: Dec 1-7


  • I'm starting to feel the limitations of my size/belly. I am much slower to get up off the floor, I have a harder time moving furniture when I'm vacuuming, I have a harder time vacuuming, and when picking stuff up off the floor or putting on boots I am noticing my belly. I know it is going to get a whole lot worse, but it's just interesting to notice the start now!
  • I am feeling a little anxious about this baby being breech. I KNOW there is still lots of time for baby to flip, and 97% of the time babies do end up head-down, but I can't help but want to coax it along. Hoping for some tips/reassurance at my midwife appointment this week.
  • I have been doing the prenatal barre blend beach body workouts for over a month now. I still enjoy them! I love that I am only committing to 30 minutes at a time. It makes it feel more doable and I like knowing what to expect. I am also getting stronger! Definitely noticing more muscle tone in my arms, butt, legs, pelvic floor, and even some areas of my stomach/abs. Getting fit while I get fat!
  • Midwife appointment this week went well. There's not a lot to do at them, and they offer some virtually, but I always like going in anyway. 
    • Weight: 125lb (+3 lb since beginning). They're not concerned about my lack of weight gain, but did encourage me to make sure I'm eating enough. This same thing happened with Emilia at the same time, right over Christmas. While we won't be having these Christmas gatherings with all the snacks and drinks, challenge still accepted :) Shouldn't be a problem putting on a few extra pounds! Especially considering I just started baking bread.
    • BP: 98/64. That's quite low. Second trimester it's common to have the lowest BP of your life, but I have been told now to be careful when standing up and make sure I'm staying hydrated. I've noticed some vision blurs caused by low BP, but nothing like what I had when I was pregnant with Emilia where I went effectively blind one day. That was crazy!
    • Fundus: 19cm. This is technically 2cm "small", but I've always measured small with pregnancies. Also, the first measurement, which this is, doesn't really count as it's just a baseline for ensuring growth at each appointment. 
    • Baby HR: 155-160BPM. 
    • I got my ultrasound results. Essentially everything is perfect and baby is tall. That's about all she gave me. 
    • I asked about baby being breech, and Nargess assured me it's a non-issue at this point. It was noted on the ultrasound report that baby's position was variable, meaning baby moves around and is likely to keep moving. Also, apparently for women who have previously had children it's more common for babies not to flip until the last minute. Supposed to be encouraging, but I'm still anxious! I messed with my belly pushing baby around the other night and ended up being in a bunch of pain, so I guess I'll just have to wait for baby to figure it out on their own. 
    • I got my flu shot last week, and booked my gestational diabetes test for 26 weeks now. I also have to get the whooping cough vaccine after 27 weeks, so I'll get a prescription for that at my next appointment in January. 
  • I keep waking up on my back and in pain. Time to bring in the pregnancy pillow big guns!
  • So for you data geeks out there (aka me), here are details from the three 20 week ultrasounds from each child. Get your gender guesses in!! I am flip-flopping all over the place. 

Emilia wanted a belly photo this week too <3

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