Tuesday 22 December 2020

23 Weeks (FURBY) - 3.0: Dec 15-21


Forewarning - may be a little TMI for some people at the end, but this is where I document my pregnancy journeys and pregnancy isn't always easy and pretty...

  • I get mild heartburn every day throughout the day. Wives tales say that means this baby will have hair! I had mild heartburn later in pregnancy with Emilia and she came out with some hair. With Dom I had very little pregnancy side effects in general and he was bic-bald for a very long time. We shall see! I can't wait to meet this baby! (Sometimes... other times I'm very grateful it's still inside just being taken care of with minimal effort from me haha)
  • My bellybutton is sideways. I don't know if this is exacerbated because I have an old bellybutton piercing that is all stretched out and weird, but my bellybutton is so off-center now. Probably just depends where baby is sitting. 
  • Emilia felt baby kick for the first time on Friday! Dominic felt it for the first time on Sunday, and his reaction was that of pure joy and excitement. The way his face lit up. It's so fun having him be at this age where he kind of understands what's happening. He asks a lot of questions sometimes, and we answer as honestly as we feel comfortable for a 4-year-old. So... I'm sorry if he tells your kids where babies grow and how they come out haha. More likely he'll just say something like "Scooboo farts", so probably nothing to be concerned about!

    (video above if it's showing up!) Just pretend he doesn't look so sick. He was coming down with a fever that afternoon.

  • I am feeling pretty emotionally balanced lately and loving it! Super doable work-life balance right now!
  • Baby seems to have a pretty set sleeping schedule right now. I don't remember if that's a real thing at this point. Every morning when I wake up, I often don't feel much movement for a few hours. Usually around 1230/100 baby wakes up and is quite active until I go to bed. But every day around 10:00am I catch myself saying, "Hmm... I haven't felt baby yet today." I'm learning baby's habits now so it's not nervewracking. 
  • Dom and I shined (shone?) a flashlight on my tummy yesterday and when I went over a certain spot baby got all crazy and bumped around. Dom thought this was hilarious and now asks me to do it often. 

  • TMI section - so this swelling and discomfort down there I've been referring to... I'm 90% sure it's caused by vulvar varicose veins. It doesn't look as scary as it sounds, but boy is it uncomfortable sometimes. :( I'm only almost 24 weeks! It's going to get soooo much worse! I haven't talked to the midwife about it specifically yet, but Dr. Google says there's not a lot I can do. Listen to my body and sit down/change positions/rest with my feet up. Apply cold compress (so far this is the only thing I've noticed that helps quickly). My pelvic floor is a lot stronger than it was with last pregnancy because of all my workouts, so it's not an issue there. If anyone has experience with this please feel free to PM me! Nothing is TMI for me haha... just most other people :)

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