Thursday 27 June 2019

Thankful Thursday - 186

Okay. This week will be much less complain-y than last week! I'm thankful for...

1. We are healthy!!! Other than a couple residual coughs, we are all back to normal sleeping, eating, energy and temperaments! Hooray for routine!!

2. Self care. This past weekend I hit a bit of a bottom. I actually had to ask for help (big deal for me because I'm stubborn and proud... we'll deal with that another day haha). My parents took Emilia for an afternoon and overnight. Dave and I tried to hang out a bit together, but mostly I took up a new hobby doing lettering! I go through phases: knitting, crocheting, scrap-booking, card-making, and now lettering! I have a lot to learn, but it's fun so far!

My first completely original idea that I came up with when I woke up in the morning and realized I have no idea what I'm doing. Does anyone really?

Awaiting some special paper and aquabrush to properly suit my Dual Tombow markers. In the meantime, I discovered you can do some blending with Crayola markers! No worries about wrecking these things! 

3. My own health. I think because I do typically put a lot of effort in to self-care, I am in the best shape I've ever been in. Don't hate me... I don't actually work out. I think walking the dog every day and chasing two toddlers around and keeping the house clean is my workout. I want to find my fitbit; I bet I get TONS of steps every day. I eat well because I want the kids to eat well and don't have time to snack, we don't eat out because $$$$, I don't drink alcohol nearly as often because $$$$. I lost about 10 pounds in the last 6 months which shocked me enough that I went to the doctor, but it looks like all is well. I actually have biceps and there's a 6-pack there (though it's covered in stretch marks). I have a picture, but it's embarrassing so I'll spare you. 
Anyway, it took me almost 28 years, but I'm actually really happy and confident with my body right now! 

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