Monday 17 June 2019

The Zoo! - Number Two

Determined to put our zoo pass to good use this year! We've now gone twice! We went out with Katrina, Kerriann, Natalia and all our kids today.

Dom woke up and was definitely not feeling well; he even had some random hives on his torso. I also wasn't feeling well, but we powered through and packed up for the zoo because either we're sick at home or we're sick at the zoo! I also medicated him rather heavily... benadryl and advil! Haha

We got there a little early, but I sat in the van and ate a bagel while the kids chattered in the back. Then we went in, took a look at the birds of prey a few times and went to see the giraffes. Then Katrina & Natalia got there and we started our meander. Kerriann came later while we were having our snack by the bears.

Overall the day couldn't have gone better considering all the factors (Dom being sick, me getting sicker, and deciding to skip both their naps). We toured all around the zoo, then went to the playground for a while. We decided to hang out and buy tickets for the 1:30 train ride which I'd say was worth it! Dom hasn't stopped talking about it! He loved the train and the tunnel it went through. 

His favorite animals that he saw today were the lions, snakes, crocodile and owls. Emilia's favorites were the black bears. She stuck her hand through the outer fence and started waving at them. Adorable.

How blessed am I to be able to hang out with these ladies every week and raise our kids together. We have such an amazing village.

Katrina led us to a secret (as in I had never been there) spot to see the hippos up close! Dom says this one is having a snooze on the beach.

Lunch break!

This was actually taken before Kerriann got there; out of order!

Dom and Isla are good little buddies. Dom thinks she's funny, and she loves that. They kept running away and looking at this random sprinkler in an exhibit. Like that is not why we came here kids!

I left Emilia in the stroller at the playground in the hopes she'd drift off to sleep. She came VERY close, but couldn't quite commit. She introverted enough to make it through the train ride and the drive home though!

Dom and Sam driving cars on the logs

Dom really enjoyed the reptile area, so we left Emilia outside with the others and went through here twice. 

They got rid of all the monkeys except this one at the zoo for some reason! All Dom wanted to see today was a baboon! I have no idea why, but this strange little monkey will have to do.

Children through age 2 (so under 3) are supposed to sit on an adult's lap. Thank goodness Dom looks like a 4-year old! I only have 1 lap and 2 kids under 3!

Faces as we're about to enter the tunnel!

Group shot!!

We had a wonderful day and I'm so glad I pushed through, skipped naps, and risked it with the sick kid. 
Now as I write this blog I am quite sure I have strep throat, so I'll be off to the doctor tomorrow morning. BOO!!! No wonder I've been feeling off all weekend!

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