Monday 17 June 2019

Father's Day Weekend - Food Trucks & More!

This weekend I started getting sick. Woke up with aches, pains and a sore throat/cough. Boo! It was quite manageable as long as I stayed on top of my Tylenol and Advil - the aches were the worst. (Now the aches seem to be gone, but I'm definitely losing my voice. My throat is so dry and scratchy and sore).

Saturday morning I had band practice at church. From there I came home and we hosted a Father's Day brunch for my dad. We made crepes and Adam & Scott brought some breakfast beer and yummy additions for the crepes. I wasn't feeling well, so I probably wasn't as much help as I could have been...

After they all left I took a nap and then we walked the dog and went to the Food Truck Festival in Langley with Scott & Ashleigh. We went last year in early June as well, when Emilia was under a month old; wow has time changed things!! 
In the evening Dave hosted a poker night and Ashleigh and I watched Fifty Shades Darker on the 98 inch projector screen downstairs. No shame in admitting I enjoyed it haha. It was a lot of laughing until we cried and our stomachs hurt.

Dom was seriously loving the Italian Sausage Poutine, and Emilia loved everything we gave her. She was just asking for more and more and more and going, "MMMMMM!!!!!" with every bite.

I try to correct her when she sits like this...

Hard to pick a favorite family shot when there are like 16 to choose from that are all very similar! Haha

We went to the Food Truck Festival last year, too. Here is our family photo from that one!
This makes my heart happy <3

On actual Father's Day I was playing bass, so I was out of the house from 8-1230. Sorry Dave! After the kids' naps we went to David's parents' house for dinner! We made BBQ pizzas! It was fun and relatively easy/low stress which is a bonus! Everyone hung out in the yard the whole time. I noticed that we were able to sit, eat and drink out there without a single wasp bothering us. I don't know where they are, but I'm not complaining! They really ruin my backyard vibes. 

The "Darth Vader & Son" book I gifted Dave was really for Dominic instead I guess! Haha

I asked him what was in the bottle.

Don't worry; it was empty!

Dom started showing serious signs of getting sick while we were out. He seemed kind of off, and then started gooping green goops and snotting green snots. Ohhhhh dear. That night wasn't a good one for him. He woke up crying and I had to go in there a few times before midnight. Not like him at all! Today he is much worse :(

Then we did some Father's Day shots of the men and their kids!
Dom drinking his beer...

This is included purely because Rebecca's face is exactly how any of us would be feeling if we were her haha!

He's not quite as easy to be tossed as Rebecca is! Haha

I love our families. We are so blessed.

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