Thursday 13 June 2019

Thankful Thursday - 184

This week I am thankful for...

1. Family photos! I think when you have kids you (well maybe just I) all of a sudden have this need to document your family throughout the months/years, to remember what you all looked and were like. Maybe this gift for Mom & Dad for Christmas was slightly selfish too... haha!

I still plan on doing a full post with most of the photos, but here's one of just our little brood!

2. Emilia is starting to feel better. The poor girl. She had an on and off fever since Saturday. I sort of suspected she may have an ear infection, but she wasn't messing with her ear or seeming in pain. Then on Tuesday afternoon she. was. miiiiserable. She was screaming and took one swat at her left ear. I immediately packed both kids up and went to the walk-in clinic. I was the last walk-in they took that day, and waited for an hour and a half. Luckily, Dave was on his way home and picked Dom up. Emilia did GREAT in the waiting room, playing nicely and snuggling. Finally we got our predicted diagnosis and prescription and were able to get out of there. Wednesday morning was the worst she's been so far, but the antibiotics are starting to work now! Poor little thing.

She spent a good half hour putting cars in and taking them out of these little pockets. I did not pack toys or snacks because I was in a rush. Thank goodness Dom has squirreled cars away all over the place.

3. Free toys. I took the kids for an early walk to the park on Tuesday morning, and we found this lawnmower for free on the side of the road. 

Mowing "like Grandpa!"

Pushed it all the way home from the park, mowing the sidewalk, grass and mud!

4. An interview. I did not intend on looking for work for a long time, but a perfect position came up. I applied, and had my interview this morning! I think it went well; it felt good and I was relatively relaxed. Of course there are things I think of now that it's over that I wish I had said, but such is life. Wish me luck! I'll share more next week if/when I hear back :)

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