Monday 1 April 2019

Weekend of family time!

This past weekend was so beautiful. The perfect temperature! T-shirt and leggings weather. We had a few adventures with the kids, but mostly I just took pictures of them doing things I thought were cute. 

Dave and Scott were washing their cars, so we all came outside to watch. Emilia sat very nicely on the bench; Dom mostly sprayed people with the hose. She follows him around everywhere. So far he doesn't mind!

This. These are the faces I got when I said, "Hey kids, smile!" I really hope Emilia grows out of that grimace haha!

Picture not doing it justice, but the clouds looked cool from my balcony.

My parents bought this magazine and suggested all us kids give it a read. After reading it, I also suggest everyone read it! Lots of stuff we may already "know", but it is always good to be reminded! Also nice to hear your marital "problems" (minor or major) are normal!

On Saturday our daily routine took an unexpected turn for the better! As we walked to the yellow wall to watch cars a neighbor ran out with a full belgian waffle for us to eat while we sat!

On Sunday I met up with Michelle and her puppy, River, who is Sherlock's nephew! He's just 14 weeks old and it was his first introduction to water. Sherlock yelled and swam the whole time, but River was just an absolute darling!

Sunday afternoon we went to visit Jeff and Marta for a swim and dinner! Dom hasn't had many great swimming experiences, and Emilia had never gone (I know... bad Mom). 
Seriously though, how cute is this bathing suit! 

Other than being a little chilly/whiny at times, Emilia did awesome. She even let Marta hold/play with her in the water! I am LOVING this new found freedom of her willingly and happily going to other people!

Marta used to teach parent/tot swimming lessons, so she was pulling out all the stops to get Dom interested in the water. Here they are playing basketball with the tube as a hoop. He was eerily good at it. Genetics.

After a solid 20-30 minutes, Dave was able to get Dom to put his feet in the water. WIN! That's it, we can go now! It seems minor/pathetic, but he's so cautious and nervous in new situations. The fact that he did this, had fun, and didn't have any meltdowns was perfect. Now we'll just talk every day about how he had so much fun swimming and then he'll be more excited next time and will maybe even sit in the water.

She was happy to get warm and dried up. Little snuggle-puss <3

Emilia has adopted this chair as her own. Dom will be running around throwing balls, playing cars, building legos, etc. I'll look over and she's just happily sitting/rocking in this little chair. Dom has only gotten jealous and sat on top of her once so far.

Today! Mondays at church there is Tot Romp from 10-1130. Emilia's first nap also falls 10-1130. Normally I'll leave her at home to nap if Dave is home, and just take Dom. Dave had a job this morning, and Dom was driving me crazy. With some encouragement from mom-friends, I decided to skip Emilia's nap and risk it for the biscuit. No regrets so far! They had lots of fun together, and Dom was more adventurous just because she was there.

He pushed her around (a little fast for my liking) on this ship. She had fun and did not fall off!

She mostly just followed Dom around, which was super cute. She is determined to do all the big kid things. Climbing the foam blocks, riding the cars, jumping (sitting and dancing) on the trampoline, etc. 

Since she skipped her morning nap, her and Dom are now napping at the same time. I have had almost 2 hours of ME TIME! I read two chapters of a book and typed up this blog. Now I'll have some tea and a muffin. I can't wait until she's actually ready for 1 nap. I'll probably switch her in May, around her birthday. It worked for Dom!

Feelin' summery

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