Thursday 28 March 2019

Thankful Thursday - 175

Had a thrifty week so far! Easy to be grateful when you're cheap ;).
This week I'm thankful for...

1. GOOD DEALS! I went to Talize twice this week. Once with Emilia, and then once to return something with Dave, where we did some more shopping. We made some SERIOUS steals. I literally felt bad about one thing and mentioned at the till that I think they mis-priced it. We got everything listed below for under $100... Honestly, if you're willing to spend the time, you can get such amazing deals and it feels so good!

Finally got Dom some sunglasses!

Disney Bambi sleeper for Emilia.
A spring shirt, Hyba sweater, and brand new strapless bra for me (for $3...)
A GAP Darth Vader long sleeve (pictured below), three hoodies and a Children's Place sweater for Dom.
Nike shorts and a brand new Columbia jacked for Dave

Three pairs of shoes for Dom, two pairs for Emilia (handy now that she's walking...), and a pair of Nike Free Run 4.0 Fly Knit runners for me!

These shoes are almost too small, but they are too cute to pass up. They can be his church shoes until he really outgrows them :)

These shoes... I went looking for cute Spring shoes for myself, and stumbled across this pair of Nikes (not cute spring shoes, but oh well). I slipped them on my feet for fun and they fit like. a. glove. I checked the price and they were $9.99. Dave is the shoe expert so I asked him to take a look and he could not believe it! These shoes are $160 brand new, and there was no damage to them at all. They're perfectly usable runners! I threw them in the wash when we got home, and they came out looking brand new basically. WIN!!!

100% bribed him with extra blueberries to get this photo.

2. A flower! The last year or two my tulips and daffodils haven't actually bloomed. The greens come up, but either something ate the flowers or they just didn't bloom. This year I have one daffodil so far, and I can see a couple other flowers waiting to open up!

3. Dom being brave. I took Dom and Sherlock to Noel Booth this week so Sherlock could go swimming. Dom was throwing rocks in the water and said he wanted to go swimming with the puppy. He has always hated water, so I just said, "Go ahead." He actually went and dipped his toes (shoes and all) in the water, which I praised him for, for being so brave. Then he backed up, and I thought he was going to get another rock to throw, but before I know it he goes RUNNING into the water, up to his knees and then falls on his butt. He cried. I laughed so hard. I scooped him up and congratulated him on being so brave and for going swimming! I was not counting on him getting wet, so did not have a change of clothes or anything. I stripped him down, stuck him in the stroller and wrapped him in my scarf. He was pretty pleased with himself on the walk back to the car, talking about how he went swimming. I changed his diaper when we got to the car and he rode home naked in the car seat. Glad I was feeling flexible and he could be brave and have a little adventure haha!

Action shot of him as he started running in. I wish I could have taken a photo of him sitting in the water, but I had to act quick so he wasn't traumatized by the experience haha!

We noticed Sherlock is starting to put on a little weight (probably from all the extra food Emilia is feeding him...), so we're trying to commit to taking him swimming more often! Burns so much energy for him, and he LOVES it. It's his #1 favorite activity. #2 would be chasing the ball on dry land haha.

4. She's walking. Dom started taking steps around his first birthday. She's only 10.5 months! AND she just started standing independently two days ago... She took no time at all to start walking. She figured it out after about 15 minutes of taking one step, two steps, and then all of a sudden 8 steps! Whaaaaa?!

My heart hurts a little to see her growing up so fast, but I also don't have baby fever, so that's great! Feeling busy enough at this point with the two of them.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing post, would you mind checking mine? haute her girl hope you will love it.
