Tuesday 9 April 2019

Emilia - 11 Months

Little Yaya is 11 months old and boy is she acting it! She is acting beyond her age already in many ways. Well, if I compare her to Dom anyway, but I'll try not to too much. She is Mommy's little girl, but she is getting MUCH better at going to other people now, which gives me a nice break! She is adventurous, ambitious and courageous; sometimes too much so!

So much hair!

Emilia is growing up! 0-11 Months

Weight: 20.2 lb (65th percentile) - on home scale
Height: 27.5 inches (45th percentile)

  • Dancing. Every time there's some sort of beat/music she starts bopping and clapping away. My favorite is in the grocery store when she's rocking out in the buggy. 
  • Happy and you know it. If she's being antsy during a diaper or outfit change I start singing it and she lights up and starts clapping along. 
  • Climbing things. She's a monkey!
  • Seeing people (or Sherlock) she recognizes in a picture, and any time she sees an animal really. A happy little squeal. 
  • Dissecting her little purse. I'll fill a small black purse with toys and snacks and put it down for her. She'll spend a while going through it to find all the treasures. Nice way for me to get a break!

  • She is mostly easy-going. The hardest time is when I'm trying to get something done, but she wants to be held. 

  • She still fits some 9 month clothing, but is getting into size 12 and 12-18 month clothing and size 3 diapers, but will go to 4's once we run out. I thought this would be soon, but I just found another box of 3's downstairs, so we'll see! 
  • She is a finicky eater, but enjoys most fruit, brown rice, PB toast, yogurt, sweet potato, muffins, and frozen quinoa & sweet potato bites.
  • I am starting to wean from formula to whole milk. Hooray! Only downside is that I have to bring the bottle warmer back out to warm up the milk. I hate having counters cluttered with appliances.
  • She started standing on March 24 (or so...). She can't get up from the ground yet, but if she pulled herself up she could stand without holding on to anything.
  • She moves quickly... by March 26 she took her first few steps when Gramma and Grandpa were over. By March 27 she took 8+ steps to get to me! WHAT?! Since when do babies walk at 10.5 months?! She is so darn proud of herself, though.
    She has already started choosing to walk across the room instead of crawl. Crawling is much faster, but if she's standing, she'll get from A-B walking as far as she can.
  • If we're playing lego she'll actually try to put two blocks together now.
  • She has completely taken over the little rocking chair in our living room. I will often find her sitting on there relaxing and taking it all in. It made me nervous the first few days because it's very unsteady, but I've mostly gotten over it.
  • When she eats using a utensil she uses her right hand most often. She is even occasionally pretty neat if she's in the right mood.
  • She had her first overnighter away from home! She spent the weekend with my parents while Dave and I went to Kelowna. I am pretty sure it's the best thing that could have happened to her. Ever since that weekend she is much more relaxed around other people and way less anxious!
  • If I accidentally leave the gate open she will BOOK IT for the stairs. 
  • She will point, wave, and do actions to some songs. 
  • She loves reading books and pointing at things.
  • Her and Dom play really well independently when I'm not there. Sometimes I will go sit on the stairs just out of their site to blog or take a breather. They are always reading books together, playing cars together or playing in the kitchen together. 99% of the time they are interacting positively and enjoying each other's company. It is so sweet to hear Dom telling her about the toys/books, and giving her instructions. 
  • I mentioned to Janine that she wasn't very close to talking, at least not as close as Dom. The next day she started saying Mama. Maybe not in relation to me, but she knows it gets my attention :) She is now babbling non-stop.
  • She is always hitting her hand over her mouth and vocalizing. (How do I type that... you know what I mean I hope)
  • All of a sudden she's a screecher. She just voices her delight at everything with a very loud squeal. Dom then reciprocates and it goes back and forth. 
  • She gives high fives!
  • She is the biggest giggle-monster lately. She loves being chased, climbing stairs, being tickled and being bounced around. She has the best laugh <3
  • She went "swimming" for the first time at Jeff & Marta's this month. Other than being a little cranky because she was chilly, she did great!
  • She is like me, and falls asleep within seconds of going to bed almost every time. She is still the best sleeper. Dom has always been great, but she is even MORE independent. Sleep is important to me. It gives me/us so much freedom in the evenings to relax, go out, get things done, and not worry about anything. 
  • She is getting more cuddly as time goes by. She will nestle right in and rest her head on our shoulder. It doesn't last long, but I'll take the 5 seconds here and there while I can!

Typical Day:
Occasionally we will skip her first nap and just do one big nap from 1145-2 or so, but at this point the majority of days are pretty much the same as previous months!

0700: wake up and 8 oz milk/formula mix
0815: oatmeal and some fruit or yogurt. Often berries or a banana
1000-1130: Nap 1
1130: 8 oz milk/formula mix
1230: lunch
230-400: Nap 2
400: 8 oz milk/formula mix
500: family dinner

700: 8 oz milk/formula mix & bed-time!

This nugget and her lips

Wasn't about to be left out! Note the teeny tiny feet sticking out under his knee. He is 100% sitting right on top of her.

Laughing as I shake her bunny toy. Her face kills me 

She's beautiful

She looks like some baby pictures I've seen of Dave. I'll have to hunt down some photos of us at these ages to compare.

He loves her so much. I am so glad they have each other <3

Just chillaxing

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