Monday 8 April 2019


Fallen off the blog-wagon a little this last week. I didn't even do a Thankful Thursday post last week! To be honest, I was in a bit of a funk and didn't really feel like doing a TT post. The baby (London) I posted about a few weeks ago had gotten much better, but then took a sudden turn on Thursday and passed away on Friday evening. I have never met this family, but it hit me hard. I could not stop thinking about how much they must be grieving and how hard baby London fought. 

I'm coming out of that fog now and back to real life, so this is what we've been up to lately!

Last Wednesday was Elliot's first birthday! We stopped in with some of the baby friends on her birthday for lunch together. I was very brave and skipped Dom's nap to do this. BIG DEAL for me, but worth it! 

Stephanie and Brent have an espresso machine and she made us lattes. She told Kerriann she made a heart in her foam. I checked mine out when she handed it to me and it turns out I got a toilet. HAHA!

Thursday evening we went to Dave's parents' place for dinner so he could help his dad start fixing the fence. 

Cousins <3

Saturday I had band practice in the morning. In the afternoon we went to my parents and put Emilia down for her second nap there. We ate dinner with the whole family except Aly, and then Scott, Ashleigh, Jeff and Marta came to our house to play some games after the kids went to bed. We played 6 rounds of Codenames. Girls v. Boys. Girls won 4-2!! Girls rule :)

Sunday I played bass in church and was out of the house from 8-1230. It makes for a long, people-filled and therefore exhausting day. Dave and I traded off naps in the afternoon, allowing each other to rest for 30 minutes each. In the evening we were at Dave's parents' again for a family dinner with everyone! Doesn't happen often where we're all together, so although I was poopered, we made the effort to go out! Of course it was worth it again. 

Today I skipped Em's first nap again and went to tot romp with both kids after the veggie market again. Then while they both napped I was off to the dentist for a bit. This evening we're going to see Adam and Aly's new apartment! My mom bid on 4 hours of baby-sitting for us at a church fundraiser silent auction. Cashing it in tonight after the kids are in bed! Looking forward to it, but definitely feeling the Lent sacrifice as we gave up alcohol and they always serve such delicious bevvies!

I need to be more intentional with my blogging and with taking pictures. I'll work on that :)

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