Monday 29 April 2019


Life just keeps going around here. Miss Independent is turning 1 next week, and I better get my butt in gear thinking about her birthday party! Pray for good weather! We need it!

My cousins threw a surprise 50th birthday party for Uncle Rich & Auntie Jo at the Clayton on Friday evening. We brought the kids along and just left when they got grumpy. It was lots of fun and the kids were awesome! At the last second I decided to bring Dom's coloring stuff and it was probably one of my more genius ideas. 

Coloring "Gambaninis" with Opa

Saturday the church had a $1 sale for kids clothing. I went there with a few things in mind and actually came home with a little more than I planned. Shocker :)


These overalls fit a little wide, but they are so adorable <3

I may have taken over Dom's Star Wars coloring book for a while. He just wasn't doing it right! Haha

David has been slowly trucking away turning our basement, which is currently his office, into a functional room as well. We picked up a small sectional couch this week and are looking to get rid of our old lazboy recliner couch. Any takers??? Dave and I watched Harry Potter 7b in there on Saturday night and had a nice little date evening. Can't get out to the theatres? Bring the theatres to you! I actually prefer watching movies at home most of the time because I have my own snacks, own furniture and can pause to go pee whenever I want!

Tot Romp was back on this week and I am so grateful! The kids just love it, and Dom still asks constantly when we're going again. 

Getting some hang time!

1 comment:

  1. Ditto the movies at home comment! Especially since you can get wine refills there too.
