Monday 30 July 2018

The Latest - HOT HOT HOT!

It has been so so hot lately. We have one AC unit in our house, and it's in Emilia's bedroom because she sleeps a lot during the day, and is in a sleep sack the whole time so she will over-heat otherwise. We try to keep cool by playing with water and sitting in front of the fan, but mostly it's just a sweaty household. 

On Thursday morning I went over to Katrina's, where Henry & Dom had a little concert/band together which was stinking cute. Dom loves Henry and copies everything he does, so that included the guitar this week. 

Six Little Ducks

After our fun morning, he was passed right out. I let him nap an extra half hour before going in to wake him up. This proved to be a challenge.

Good morning sunshine!

Thursday evening we went to Ed & Michelle's for dinner. Dominic and their dog Sadie were two peas in a pod. They were the perfect energy for each other, and having Sadie there to greet Dom totally brought him out of his shell much quicker than usual. Emilia was also a perfect angel, laying on the couch happily and quietly while we ate, and then being passed around from person to person without a peep. I didn't take any really great pictures unfortunately...

Dom getting a Sadie bath

Konked out on the way home.

Friday and most of Saturday it was hot, so we didn't do much, except clean and organize the pantry!! Saturday evening Adam, Aly, Scott & Ashleigh came over and we had dinner together and played some games on the patio. Super fun evening!!

She smiles so big for her big brother

He's not quite sure what to make of this

Clean (and very bare) pantry!

Playing "Bang"

FINALLY I'm the Sheriff. I'm always an outlaw!

Sunday we got together at David's parents' place again for dinner. Rebecca and Emilia were finally awake at the same time, so we snapped a quick picture before we had to leave! I can't wait to see these kids grow up together. 

Super sleepy newborn snuggles! This phase goes SO fast. When you're in it with your own baby though it seems to take forever.

I thought Emilia was so small still until I saw these two side by size. Rebecca is about 9.5 weeks younger than Emilia. Crazy!

These two love each other <3

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