Thursday 26 July 2018

Thankful Thursday - 142

This week I am thankful for... a way to unload my photos!! But in all seriousness...

1. Family dinner at Gramma & Grandpa's. There are now 3 grandkids in the family, plus the 8 adults. This makes for a big group at family dinners! 
First cousin photo!

Gramma & Grandpa picked up a sandbox for Dom and he spent basically the whole evening there. Sitting on the stone outside the box just pouring the sand around. 

Little Rebecca sleeping so soundly. I have yet to see her awake

Auntie Allana hanging out with one niece and her nephew. 

I passed down some of my Newborn clothes to Rachel for Rebecca to wear. I love seeing them in their matching outfits!

2. David taking Dom on grocery shopping adventures. Sometimes during the day if Dave has time he will take Dom out to give me some time to get stuff done. He documented their trip to the grocery store this week. I love that he lets Dom wander and explore. I don't have the patience for that when I'm shopping!

3. The kidlets. They're exhausting, but I love them and have some pictures I want to have on the blog, but no other reason to post them haha. 

This picture looked cuter on my phone. I didn't notice how dopey Em looks haha.

This makes up for her dopiness in the above photo :D
It is so hard to get a cute picture of her smile. She smiles with her whole body and wrinkles her nose up and it's awesome, but it's just not cute in a still shot haha! 

A rare photo of a parent with one of the kids

Let's Avocuddle <3

Rough-housing before bed. That's what Dads are for right?

4. Beach day with Oma. I wrote a blog specifically about this here.

5. The full Dominic treatment.
Helping me out with a foot soak - stones included

Cooking me some delicious scraps

Choo Choo foot massage!

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