Thursday 2 August 2018

Thankful Thursday - 143

I meant to do a post yesterday, but time got away from me. I will just have to combine them instead!

This week I'm thankful for...

1. A Date Night. A real date night. Dave and I have gotten food or a drink before, but we haven't gone on a real date date in a very very long time. On Tuesday my mom came to hang out at our place after the kids went to bed so we could go out. We decided to go mini-golfing at High Knoll. It's a cute little outdoor place; I mean it's no Rattlesnake Canyon in Osoyoos, but it's better than Castle Fun Park. After mini-golf (which I lost), we went to Cactus Club for appetizers, drinks and dessert at Happy Hour. Such a fun date evening and it cost us less than $75! 

We both got a hole in one at one point. Mine was hole 2, David's was hole 18! We also had a lot of 6ers... Not great putters apparently.

Free freezies at the end!

We didn't realize Cactus had another Happy Hour at 9pm, so we took full advantage of that! 

2. Trip to the Petting Zoo. David's mom and I met up at the petting zoo in Queen's Park. Exactly one year before, we took Dom there for the first time. He was only 7 months old and kind of indifferent to it all. This time was a different story. He was so excited about all the animals, tractors and a school bus that drove by. He made all his animal sounds and wasn't at all freaked out by any of them (which surprised me because they kept trying to steal his snacks). 

Soo much pointing!

He was genuinely excited to see the animals from his book in real life.

I guess having a dog at home makes it a little less stressful and more entertaining when a creature tries to steal your snacks. 

Loving the ducks (duck duck or quack quack; not sure what he's actually saying)

Dom was really excited about the pigs. If he could see them, this was his face. He did not stop making this face until we were away from the pigs. It was adorable.

Still making the face...

Shelley and I were standing and talking, and then I looked down and Dom was gone! I had a moment of panic, before I saw between some people that he had wandered back down to the goats all on his own and was just standing there with his snack taking it all in. It's not like him to wander off, but he was comfortable and happy there!

PB&J sandwich at the picnic table before we head home

I left all the wipes in the car, so Gramma took him into the water park to wash his hands.

Climbed up onto this bench all on his own. Getting him to leave the park was a real chore. He kept running away from us and trying to explore more. So happy to see him being more adventurous!

Thank you Gramma for inviting us out!

Misc. Photos

Sometimes it's just hard to wake up from a nap!

His fishy face is much cuter than mine.

Like I've said before, she smiles with her whole body :)

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