Monday 11 December 2017

Third Weekend of Advent

This weekend was filled up with some family time, church and time spent with friends. 

Friday was a dry day, so we took Dom and Sherlock out for a walk. Dom has been despising the stroller and car seat lately, so we figured we'd break out the Ergo 360 for the first time in a while. We tried out the forward facing, and Dom was in heaven! He was super excited, and pointed where he wanted to go as if to say, "Forward march, Dad!" It was quite precious.

Dave took this picture on the bridge in our neighborhood this week on one of the really foggy days. 

David had a poker night that evening, and Jeff came over early to have a visit with Dom before be time. Hanging out with the boys!

"All in!"

These two are becoming friends! Dom likes to share everything with Sherlock.

Saturday morning, I met up with David's mom at the mall to do some Christmas shopping for Dom. We went right at opening and I got a parking spot RIGHT outside the front door, and the mall wasn't busy at all! We picked up some snowpants and boots for Dom. I learned from David's parents the other day, that David had "tall" feet when he was little, and Dom has the same thing. That's why it's near impossible to get shoes to stay on his feet!

Sunday morning we went to church. David was doing media, and I was asked to do the reading for the third week of Advent. The theme was Joy. Marnie Goheen wrote the piece, and I spent a lot of time on Saturday and Sunday reading over it and rehearsing it. I haven't spoke publicly in nearly 10 years, but I was pretty confident going in. Both my parents are excellent speakers, and I kind of figured I would come by it naturally. It went perfectly from my point of view. I wasn't too nervous, I didn't stumble over my words, and I got lots of positive feedback! Whew!! I kind of wish I had a picture or video of it, but I didn't think to ask anyone to take it!

The Cornerstone kids sang some beautiful songs for us. I can't believe in a few years Dom will be up there singing alone with them! <3

After church we went to Tynehead with my parents, Scott & Courtney because it was so gorgeous out. We forgot our stroller had a flat, and didn't want to carry Dom in the Ergo the whole time, so we all took turns carrying him in our arms on the walk. He couldn't have been happier about this arrangement!

In the evening, some moms from the church were invited to Brittany's house for snacks, drinks and a Christmas movie! We didn't get the movie started until about 8:45, and it was over at 10:30. I totally forgot about the whole plan until I got a text from Katrina at 7:20 asking if I was going. Oh Crap!! I put Dom to bed, and told Dave what happened. He had just picked up a slurpee for us for our own movie night, but sent me on my way anyway! Good man :) It was a lovely evening hanging out with friends and getting to know some new people as well!

This is the reading I did in church. The formatting is a bit messed up, but you get the idea!

Advent 2017 at Hope Community Church
Week 3: Joy

In this third week of Advent, we pray for Joy—
Joy—with its many faces
In various places
Since the Dawn of Time…

The Mystery that is Joy!

In the Beginning…..
Joy Hummed
When harmony
Reigned in Eden.

In The Fall…..
Joy turned to Weeping
When rebel voices

In Redemption…..
Joy Hopes
And Mercy
Gentles down

In Troubled Times……
Joy Laughs
When dustbit armies
Raise their splinter swords

Joy Cries
With longing
For the Sunrise of a Better Day

At the Advent of the Christ…..
A Festival of Lights
On David’s shepherd hills,
Bringing News of Greatest Joy!

At this Advent
The tiny Son of God
Rips the chains!
Parts the iron bars!
Enters earth’s
And sings
a New Song
A Song of Hope and Peace,
Challenging sadness
with his Joy
Exchanging Pain
for healing Peace
Daring a tired and troubled world
to Hope once more.

And we *Re-JOY-CE
To Spread The Song
And tell the World that
Christ has come!
Christ has conquered!
And Christ is coming again!

In this Hope, we light the Advent Candle of JOY.

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