Tuesday 26 December 2017


As mentioned in my 20 week pregnancy post, we had our detailed ultrasound on December 19. We went to Medray Imaging in Coquitlam, because we knew they would tell us the gender if they were able to see. 

Originally David and I discussed finding out IN the appointment. We knew we didn't want to do a big reveal. Just something more private with the two of us. Someone said how cool it would be to have them put it in an envelope and open it together on Christmas. Hey! That's only waiting an extra 5 days! This pregnancy is going by so fast anyway, I think we can wait! Let's do that!!

Lo and behold, when the tech was finally able to determine the gender (due to an uncooperative baby), she wrapped it up in an envelope for us and there it sat under our tree until Christmas Eve. 

I looked at the envelope many times over the next few days, wondering. There were a few things that were making me lean towards feeling girl. 

  • I felt much sicker first trimester than I did with Dom.
  • I felt like I was carrying differently (although I think maybe I just popped later?)
  • The ultrasound technician had to confirm the gender for herself, and then told us they can't say gender 100%. (I know they're supposed to say this every time to cover their own butts). 
  • I just kind of wanted a girl. 
When we first found out we were pregnant I really wanted to have another boy. I thought Dom and his little brother could be best friends for life being so close in age, and get into all sorts of shenanigans together. When I picture our future family, with two littles sitting in their high chairs at dinner, I see two boys. Then one day I went shopping, and I saw all the little girl clothes and my heart broke in two. How can something be so cute and tiny?!?!?! From that point on, I started secretly hoping this one was a girl.

If anyone asked me what my gut said, I would say, "I don't know... probably a boy..." I said that just so I wouldn't feel that "disappointment" if it was a boy. That sounds terrible, but I know we will be happy either way regardless. A happy, healthy baby is what we really want!

This picture is really just here so the reveal photo isn't the cover photo for the post.

Christmas Eve, we went to the Christmas Eve service at 4pm, came home to have some dinner, put Dom to bed, and then exchanged our gifts with each other. When we were finally done, the envelope was all that was left under the tree. David grabbed it and I moved over to sit with him so we could open it together. I prepared myself by saying, "It's a boy, I'm sure it's a boy." 

We opened the envelope and saw... 

I'M A GIRL!!!!

I was in complete shock!!! David said, "RENEE! YOU GOT YOUR GIRL!" I just cried. I couldn't believe it. I had spent so long preparing myself to open it and see boy. I still can't believe it!

I have to change my vision of a newborn baby now! How different is she going to be than Dom? What's her personality going to be like? Is she going to be stubborn like me? Is she going to be PETITE like me?! (Oh I am hoping for a "regular" sized baby this time! Haha). Is she going to be happy and easy-going like her big brother? 

David is equally excited, although I must say he wasn't really picking sides, and I honestly believe that. 

Oh boy... now we have to (get to) go shopping! 

We are SO excited to share this news. I LOVE that we opened the envelope together, with just the two of us on Christmas Eve. It was the perfect and best present we could have ever opened. It was intimate and we could react honestly without worrying about other people watching. 


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