Thursday 22 September 2016

Thankful Thursday - 58

This week has been nutso, as David is now away hiking with his father for 6 days, and I am working overtime every day this week. Only one more day of this after today! Whew!!

This week I am grateful for...

1. David having the opportunity to go away. Selfishly, I wish he was still home to help me out around the house. For example, This morning I was trying to pack up the dog to get him to David's parents' house for the day while I went to work. Well... Sherlock decided to protest and REFUSED to get in the car. Too far from our normal morning routine maybe? Anyway, it got to the point where I had to lift him up and help him into the car... almost 6 months pregnant and lifting a 45-50 lb. dog into a car... probably not the best idea! Could have used David in that moment!
Anywho, NOT selfishly, I'm really glad David is able to get out with his dad to go enjoy nature one more time before our family grows. It's going to be much more difficult for him to take off for a week over the next 15-20 years with our growing family. 

They're going to Revelstoke to camp and then doing some hiking around there, and maybe venturing over to Glacier National Park in BC. 

2. Craigslist Deals! After trying out Brent & Amy's City Select and BOB strollers back in January, and with recommendations from them, we've decided to purchase a BOB jogging stroller as our primary single-stroller. They're upwards of $400-600 brand new, and Amy sent a link on Craigslist the other day. Hooray! $250 for a 2015 BOB Revolution SE stroller! Now we just have to select our car seat and buy an adapter for that :) What a steal!!

Why the BOB? We wanted something we could take on trails (such as Tynehead) and that would be light and easy to pack around. This one folds up so easily, and steers like a dream. We've already tried out walking Sherlock with one when I went to Tynehead with Amy and the kids the other day. No issues! It seems to be super practical for our lifestyle!

3. My Snoogle. I don't know about you, but I love feeling nest-y and safe and cozy while I sleep. My snoogle (though I've only used for two nights so far) has been dreamy! sure, it takes up a lot of space on the bed, but no more than me and my other pillow configurations in the past! I still use a lot of pillows all around me, but that's just how I like it! Why do you think we got a King size bed this year? Haha

Okay. enough of these stock photos!
Here are a few random photos of what we've been up to lately.

Sherlock visiting his neighborhood goat friend

This is what I have to deal with while I make cards in my craft room/guest room... Those eyes...

Cactus Club with these two! Double Date!

Oh yum... this is a caramel chocolate mousse dessert from Cactus Club. SO Delicious... I'd recommend :) And only $3!!

Every day is a gift! There is always something to be thankful for :)
Until next week!

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