Monday 26 September 2016

25 WEEKS (RUTABAGA): Sep 18-24

How do I still have 15 weeks of growth left in me?! Some days I feel huge, others I feel like I've just always been this way. Seeing it in a picture, and comparing it to where I started is pretty dramatic though... 

For a reference, here's me at 6 weeks... 
That... is shocking...
  • What on earth is a rutabaga? Apparently it's a root vegetable somewhere between a cabbage and a turnip... Whatever it is, it must be about 13" long, as that's how big our baby is from head to toe! Speaking of strange vegetable comparisons... it looks like now they are not comparing size so much to the fruit/vegetable, but moreso the weight. Good to know... maybe it makes more sense now(?)
  • Baby is weighing in at about 1.5 lb this week. 
  • Baby's lungs are developing, and capillaries are forming at the surface of his skin as well as around the alveoli in the lungs. Surfactant is also developing in the lungs which will assist with his first breaths. 
  • Another breathing point, baby's nostrils will open up this week and he will start practicing breathing motions. This could (hopefully) lead to some hiccups for baby which I will likely be able to feel! I'm on the look out!
  • Baby is supposedly developing a routine of playing and napping now. He will "play" for a while (somersaults, wriggling, etc.) and then follow it up with a nap. These are short-lived play sessions most of the time, except when I wake up at night and he's going to town!
  • I've been continuing to have some back pain, but I just got a new chair and exercise ball in my office. Over time this will hopefully help improve my posture and core strength and improve the back pain!
  • Along with back pain, I find my hips and tailbone get sore when I'm walking or standing for a longer period of time. This is normal for pregnancy... Gotta get stretching!
  • I catch myself getting out of breath much quicker than I used to. All part of the fun I suppose! I can't quite hoof it on my way to work as much anymore, and I can't handle the hills or walking and talking while we walk the dog as well. I have to stop to catch my breath every so often! Silliness. 
  • I got my results from my Gestational Diabetes test I took on Friday. Everything looks good, so I should be in the clear as long as I maintain my diet and exercise routine!
  • "They" say that the next 3 weeks are likely going to be baby's most active weeks. So far baby has been very true to this! Had my first kick to the ribs the other day at work, and just constant movement and pushing and shoving. A strange stroking motion moved my whole stomach around on day when I was laying on the couch. Totally creeped David and I out. We wonder if maybe his knee was pushing along the side wall of my uterus? Very odd. Much of the movement now I feel along the sides of my abdomen. I guess he is laying across me.... one end to the other. 
  • Midwife appointment and prenatal class on September 19 went well!
    • My Blood Pressure: 111/60 (high for me, but midwife was very happy with it)
    • My Weight: 133 lb. Total gain of 10 lb. since first appointment
    • Belly Measurement: 22 cm. I am 25 weeks, so I expected this to be 25 cm and got concerned. The Midwife, Carol, assured me that it can have a lower measurement as I'm a smaller person and that my baby is certainly growing. They don't really focus on the exact measurements until after 28 weeks. For now they just want to see that I'm growing. (Phew!)
    • Baby's Heart Rate: 140 BPM. Carol let us listen to heart for a while because she got such a good sound from the Doppler. The little heart was just pumping! So clear and loud! She said baby sounds very happy and healthy, especially when he started punching or something while the Doppler was on my stomach. 
    • Carol recommended I start taking Vitamin D supplements as we're getting into Fall & Winter. I'll have to pick some of those up! My Hemoglobin levels were on the lower level of normal, so I may look into iron supplements as well. My iron levels were still okay, but way lower than pre-pregnancy levels (went from 93 to 35). I'm sure my diet lately hasn't helped either... 
    • In the prenatal class we discussed Pregnancy and its effects on our bodies. Interesting class, with lots of reassurance that all these mamas are having similar symptoms as I am. I'm the farthest along in the class by a good week or two (since I'm due very early January), so I occasionally have symptoms that they don't yet (Braxton Hicks for example). 
    • We also discussed Doulas and registering for one. David and I will be registering for a Doula. This Community Birthing Program is one of only 2 programs in all of Canada that has doula's incorporated into the program. Otherwise you have to hire one privately and that can run you $500-$1000! It's a win-win for us!! So lucky! (A doula is a birthing coach and support person for you and your partner during labor and delivery). 
  • I'm officially sporting a half-outie belly-button
  • In our prenatal class we were discussing back pain, and possible remedies, and a few of the ladies started RAVING about the snoogle pillows. I considered buying one in the past, but figured $80 for a pillow was a bit excessive. They insisted it was well worth the money, so right then and there I went online and ordered it (one sale I might add)! I picked it up Tuesday night, and I've gotta say... so far it's been a pretty amazing blessing! Sooo comfortable and keeps you in optimal positions for pregnancy. Such a handy tool!

See how happy this lady is with her Snoogle?!

  • A few other baby purchases were made throughout this week... We got our BOB Revolution SE Jogging Stroller, and I "won" (bidded on) a pack of 80 new born Pamper Sensitive Diapers... I got them for $7.00! That's less than 9 cents per diaper! Steal! I'll take it! They're so tiny and cute. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the diapers!! I also took Vitamin D (can't I just go to Palm Springs!?) and iron.
