Friday 8 January 2016


I have never really been one to make New Year's Resolutions. 
It is too true that people are all gung-ho for the first couple weeks and then it gradually peters off. I find people (myself included) can be rather ambitious with their resolutions which may cause the lack of success.

I didn't make any hard-and-fast resolutions this year, but I did some thinking and came up with these (smaller) goals:

1. Drink Less. 
I know... "Ha ha ha... Renee? Drink less?!" I'm known to enjoy a good glass of wine or a couple beers. Particularly at a social gathering, you would rarely find me without a glass in my hand.
When I say "drink less" I do not mean "don't drink at all". I will take this goal week by week. This week I've decided I will not drink any alcohol on the weeknights. 
Maybe next week will be the same, and then maybe one week I'll allow myself one small glass a couple nights. Then maybe another week I'll go a full week and weekend without anything. 
It's not that alcohol is problematic or affecting my life negatively, but it has become a running joke that if Renee turns down a drink (like ever), she must be pregnant... I don't want that to be my (eventual) tell!

2. Exercise More.
You're probably thinking, "And she considers other people to be ambitious!". I'm not saying I want to become the next American Ninja Warrior here! I will start small. I will start by putting in the extra effort to get my 10,000 steps at least 4 days per week to start. If I don't pick something attainable I will not meet my goals and I will quit. 
Between walking to work every day from my car (parked almost a km away), housework, and walking the dog I can typically get 10,000 steps anyway, so it seems reasonable to me. I've already succeeded 3 days this week, so only one more before Sunday rolls around!

3. Live in the Moment.
This one is tougher and much less tangible - who's going to hold me accountable? I would like to learn how to sit back and look at my life with perspective. I want to be able to live in the moment, not stress about the future so much, and enjoy where I (or we) are at. I know I will look back on these days and think about how easy and relaxing life was. We have so much freedom. It is important to take a step back and appreciate the things we have right now. 

I leave you with this adorable photo of Sherlock

1 comment:

  1. Love #3! My head is often in the past or the future... Good advice to enjoy the time of life we're currently in :)
