Thursday 4 February 2021

Thankful Thursday - 251

 This week I am thankful for...

1. Doula support. We have registered and paid for a Doula for this labour/delivery. We had one with Dom and I think every first-time mom should have one - SUCH an amazing source of support that you don't even know that you needed. We didn't have one for Emilia and there were no regrets; she made my life easy. This time around, just to decrease any anxiety I have around labour and delivery, and knowing what a valuable asset to the birth team a Doula is, we have decided to hire one again through the Community Birth Program. She should be assigned to us in 4 weeks or so, and then aside from actually being ready to bring a baby into our house, I'll be ready to have a baby any time! (I have not started newborn-nesting yet... the time will come!)

2. Soaking up moments with these two. I am frequently reminded (by jabs and rolls from the inside) that my weeks with just these two beauties are limited. I am so proud of how far they've (we've) come since Emilia was born and we tackled 2 under 2. 

"Mommy, can you take a picture of me climbing? Uncle Adam will be proud!"

Me: Dom, smile like you're laughing! Ha ha!

3. Cheese bread. I usually do one big bake per week of sourdough, and this week decided to throw some cheese in one of the loaves. No regrets, let me tell you! 

4. Generous neighbours. This one makes the cut every few months; I love our neighbourhood. The kids have been driving me up the wall insisting on listening to loud music on the main floor all the time. We're talking Frozen 1, Frozen 2, Moana, and Star Wars (literally Imperial March on repeat for an hour and a half). I finally thought up a solution - get them a music player upstairs! A neighbour generously donated this CD player to us, and we picked up a little Kindergarten CD that Dom now listens to every quiet time, and they'll go upstairs and turn it on and play in Dom's room nicely together while I rest my ears downstairs. 

*IF ANYONE HAS ANY KIDS CDs THEY WANT TO GET RID OF, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! They're not as easy to locate (or as cheap) as I was expecting*

5. Talize finds. Dom and I went to Talize this week to try to find some CDs, but struck out. I did, however, manage to come home with two maternity tops for myself! One 3/4 sleeve shirt that says, "We're all in transition", and an asymmetrical zip up hoodie that actually covers my belly! 

Transition is the point of labour where your body goes from active labour to pushing. So the point from 7-10 cm, and usually happens rapidly (under an hour). This is the time where women tend to lose their minds. It's the point with both kids I (too late) asked for an epidural, and where some women decide they're done and try to pack up and leave the hospital. I appreciate the cheeky pun of the shirt quote. 

Real life mess! A clean kitchen is more important to me than a clean bedroom clearly...

Not a stain on the front there - water drip from two crazy children in the tub beside me.

6. Chickaletta's Hot Seat. A lot of us are reading/listening to "The Lazy Genius" book/podcast. In one of the chapters, she suggests a game called Hot Seat, where one person is put in the hot seat and everyone asks them questions about themselves to get to know them better. We have had two Hot Seat Zoom chats so far, and we have rules that keep us from getting wrapped up in politics and COVID. AKA, no mention of politics or COVID essentially. Aside from that, anything goes! Such a fun way to get to know everyone a little better, and catch up with each other after SO long. Also a great way to get this perfectionist laying awake at night and day dreaming about the answers she gave and how she'd say them differently or wondering how some of them came across as a reflection of her. (Being a perfectionist is hard, people!). 

How amazing is it that I have this village to support me through motherhood? I am so blessed and thankful <3

7. More generosity. After I'd written the piece about generous neighbours, Jordyn asked if she could drop off some stuff she'd picked up for the kids while out thrifting. Very thoughtful of her, and the kids are in love with their new Star Wars paraphernalia! Here's a couple photos Dave took...

Lego Star Wars shirt - I tied a knot in the corner when she wore it today and she just looks like a happy little tomboy. Super cute, and very different from the pink and sparkles she usually wears!

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