Tuesday 16 February 2021

31 Weeks (FANNY PACK) - 3.0: Feb 9-15


  • Well this Mama looks exhausted! Haha 
  • I went to the chiropractor last week. I've been having increasing hip pain, so was given the SI belt by the midwife. My hope was that the chiropractor could adjust my pelvis/spine, and then the belt would help hold things in place. I'd been complaining to Dave that when not wearing the belt, it felt like my body was falling apart. Literally falling open... So I go to the chiro, and tell her what's going on. I lay down on the table face down (she has special pillows to allow for this), and she goes to feel around my hips/pelvis, and comments that my sacrum is like a trampoline. Essentially, my pelvis is so loose she couldn't even do an adjustment. So clearly me being locked up is not the cause for my discomfort, and there's not much she can do. My pelvis is so loose she could like move the bones (in a very pregnant, normal way, not in a super dramatic way). Welllll crap! My hopes for an adjustment and feeling better were dashed. She said my body felt actually really good (not locked up), because of all the Relaxin hormone pumping through my body. Soooo I just have to wear this darn belt at all times now to keep my hips from falling open and causing pain. Fun stuff!
  • Speaking of the loose pelvis and all, it makes me wonder if having a pelvis this loose this early will mean a quick labour progression again. I know it depends primarily on baby's position, but I'm already genuinely nervous (excited?) about possibly having a really quick labour, and if things progress quickly and my body isn't even bothering to try to hold itself together... I mean I better make it to the hospital. Tres important to me! No bathroom floor or roadside baby for me please! *Also, please don't jinx me into a complicated labour because I talk like this...*
  • I think I had a belly growth spurt this week. I suddenly started bumping into things and swiping things, and falling over when I crouched on the floor. Twice in the last two days I crouched down (like on my toes and knees) to help Emilia with something, and then just totally turtled over backwards and got stuck. Super humbling... *side eye face*. The latest time was just this morning when I was getting Emilia's shoes on for preschool. I fell over and just crashed into everything behind me, and she right away yelled, "OH MOMMY! YOU OKAY?!" Dave helped me up from behind, and Emilia grabbed my wrist to help me up too, and just kept looking dead into my eyes, "You okay Mommy? You okay?" Haha thank you hunny... yes I'm okay :)
  • What else this week... I have skipped a few workouts due to the pain/discomfort. It's also hard because I have to wear the belt during workouts which limits my movement. But I know it's good for me and important to stay active, so I'm hoping to get back to it .
  • My pelvic floor has been a bit of a mess (swollen and painful) again this week. I've been taking it easy, but that's probably my baseline now.
  • I was talking to Adam, and Aly is 4.5 weeks ahead of me in pregnancy and has this wonderful belt they got on Amazon. It provides more support than this SI belt, and says it helps with pelvic floor too. I was telling Dave about it, and then Adam texted me saying he and Aly would like to buy it for me! I'm so grateful! I hope it helps (I'm sure it will at least a little), and realistically I probably would have decided to continue struggling instead of spending the money for comfort. So thank you for helping me to take better care of myself!
  • Baby is still head down (yay!), and primarily his/her back is along my left hand side. This week one day they flipped and the back was along the right with the feet paddling my left side all day. It's funny how a change like that can totally throw you off and suddenly you feel every movement again. 

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