Monday 8 February 2021

Dominic Interview - 4 Years Old

I feel like he looks so old in this picture. I don't know if it's the angle, the hoodie, the haircut, or what. 

Some of my friends do interviews for their littles on their birthdays, and a recent one reminded me that I meant to do that and forgot for Dom's birthday in December! Better late than never right? He came down early from quiet time yesterday, and I was on my work computer waiting for some files to transfer, so I asked if he wanted to answer some questions. I had a list of 15-20 ready to go (copied straight from Katrina), and he just wanted to keep going and going, so I had to google and add a whole bunch more! I was very surprised how into it he was, and also quite surprised by some of the answers haha.

Some of these are actually so funny (in my Mom opinion), most of them are sort of predictable 4-year-old answers. I tried to be encouraging and not laugh at his funny answers, but his answer to "What's the best thing that's happened to you lately?" made me laugh out loud in his face. Not trying to trick you into reading the whole post - it's near the bottom though. He took this all very seriously and felt pretty special having this one-on-one time to answer all these questions! 

How old are you? 5... just kidding, I was being silly. 4. 

What will you learn how to do when you are 4? Ride a bike.

What are your favorite things to eat for supper? Pancakes and waffles.

When you are a grown up, what will your job be? Cleaning dishes.

Who would you like to marry? *aggressively shakes head* No. I don't know!

How many kids would you like to have? 8

If you could be any animal, what would you be? You mean like for Halloween? *No, like if you could be any animal in real life!* You should ask me what I want to be for Halloween. 

What do you want to be for next Halloween? A policeman

What are you really good at? Playing hockey 

Where would you like to go for a holiday?  Oma's house

What is your favorite movie? Lego Star Wars

What are your favorite songs? Star Wars

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Do puzzles

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Do puzzles

What makes you happy? Sunshine

What makes you sad? When Emilia hits me

What is your favorite animal? *long pause...* BABOONS!

What is your favorite book to read? Finding Dory

Who do you love most in the whole wide world? My sister <3

What is your favorite shirt to wear? Jammies

What is your favorite weather? Snow

What is your favorite toy? Star Wars ships (he was holding two at the time)

What kind of car is your favorite car? Brand new Corvette and brand new Supra that Daddy is going to shoot.

What is your favorite food to eat for breakfast? Waffles

What is your favorite grown up in our family? Gramma & Grandpa & Hiker

What is your favorite fruit? Blueberries and strawberries

What is your favorite vegetable? Cucumbers and tomatoes and peppers! WOW! THAT'S A LOT!

What is your favorite treat? Jellybeans

How tall is Daddy? I don't know... 86?

Would you rather eat a piece of cake or a cookie? Why? Cookie. Cuz I want to? 

Where would you go if you could fly? A plane!

Would you like to swim like a fish? No

What do strawberries smell like? Strawberries

What would Sherlock say if he could talk? I think he could say, "Donald Duck!"

How tall are you? 81?

What colour would you be if you could be any colour? Red

What is love? Pink!

What do you love about Gramma & Grandpa/Opa & Oma? Playing (was the answer to both)

Which shape is your favorite? All of them!

What do you like to draw? Toys

What makes you laugh? Tickling

How old is Mommy? 80

How old is Daddy? 30

What do you want for your birthday next year? Another garbage truck

What does Daddy do for work? Edit

What does Mommy do for work? Work

Where do you live? In our house

Where is your favorite place to go? School

What is your favorite part about bathtime? Playing with bubbles

What do you like most about yourself right now? Feeling my heart! (He loves literally using his hand to feel his (and ours) heartbeat). 

What do you think your parents do all day? Clean dishes, sit on the couch...

What do you know how to do that you could teach me? Show you where pieces go in a puzzle!

Why do you go to school? Because I like to!

What's your favorite part about school? Circle, because I just like Show & Tell

What makes you really annoyed? When Emilia's crying

What do you think is the worst thing that could happen? Falling over

What makes you feel proud? When I do a somersault!

What do Mommy & Daddy call you? Dominator

What's the best thing that's happened to you lately? Standing to pee

How do you know when you're right? Because I'm so smart

What do you do when you feel sad? Cry

What's a question you would like to ask me? What do you like when you do puzzles?

What's your favorite colour? White and black - and grey. 

What's your favorite drink? Milk

What do you take to bed with you at night? Space ships, teddies... *he completely left out his blanket which is really the only thing that is a must at night haha*

Who's the coolest person on earth? God

When you were little what did you do? Cry

I must remember to do a much shorter version of this for Emilia when she turns 3! Too good!

These are the same ships he was holding the whole time I asked him questions. They're David's from when he was little. A Tie Fighter (Or Tie silencer? Or Tie Interceptor?) and an N-1 Starfighter. Dom knows better than I do.

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