Tuesday 2 February 2021

29 Weeks (MR. POTATO HEAD) - 3.0: Jan 26-Feb 1

  • Alright last week of the 0-75% part of this pregnancy... let's see what we've got!
  • Baby still is all over the place I think, but at one point I am almost positive baby was in position! Head down, back along my left side, and feet jabbing at my right side. This is what I remember feeling with Dom all through second and third trimester. The next day the kicks were in a totally different spot, but at least I know now that baby is capable of getting into position!
  • I feel like I have to be more careful about overdoing it this pregnancy than my others. The problem is, I have no idea what overdoing it means until it's already been over done. Some days I can wake up, clean the house, do my work out, walk the dog, and still be fine in the evening. Other days I can rest my body, maybe do my workout and some stretches, and by the afternoon I'm in so much pain! Then the next day all my body needs is rest apparently. Who knows!
  • Speaking of overdoing it, I had my first ever painful braxton hicks. My uterus seems kind of irritable - I will ask the midwife about it next week. I get braxton hicks occasionally, but it usually manifests as just a tightening and pressure. There was one day where I had a while of tightening, pressure and period-like cramps. It didn't amount to anything, but I did ask Dave to have his phone handy as he was going out. I never got any kind of cramping that I recall with previous pregnancies. 
  • Wicked amounts of heartburn many days. Sometimes I go a whole day with no tums, then the next day I max out my 5/day too early. Such is life!
  • Still keeping up with the workouts, but definitely finding it harder to stay motivated. Do it for the decreased pregnancy pains, Renee! You know it helps!!
  • The kids and I have been talking about what it's going to be like when new baby comes. Emilia right away offered to share one of her treasured blankets with Baby (this is a big deal!). We saw a picture of her as a newborn come up with this blanket, and she decided the new baby would need it too. We'll see what comes of it, but it's pretty cute. She is also quite excited to be my helper. I mentioned baby might cry lots because that's how babies tell us something is bothering them, and she said, "Baby will cry when I push it?" yes... I suppose... Ideally you just won't push the baby haha. I'm really curious how they'll do with the transition though. At least they have each other!
  • I attended a Doula info evening and was reminded of all the reasons why we want to have a Doula! We have registered and paid for one, and should be assigned in 4 weeks or so. I am so excited! In an ideal world, the Doula will just stand aside and we can handle everything, but if there is anything out of the ordinary at all, she'll be there to support us. It will be nice to have an additional support person at the hospital. (Please no home birth! I'm not brave enough for that! My fear is that I'll be stubborn and stay at home too long and have a roadside baby haha). 

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