Tuesday 13 October 2020

Thanksgiving Weekend

 This weekend was so refreshing for me. It was busy, and we were out WAY more and were more social than usual, but just getting out of the house was so good for me. 

Friday was a day spent at home relaxing. Sherlock hung out with me while I did my yoga (that was day 10 in a row!!), I gave Emilia a pillow and made her bed all nice which she is super excited about, I built a fun train track for Dom, and we did a family walk around the neighbourhood. The kids just played really well that day and it was a nice break; it makes all the difference. 

Saturday we had Thanksgiving dinner at David's parents' place! It had been over 5 weeks since we or the kids had seen them. Since Shelley and Rachel are working close to many students in schools, they're keeping their distance from us to keep their bubbles small, and to reduce our exposure risk. I'm so so so grateful they decided to branch out and have a Thanksgiving gathering though! Rachel and Shelley wore masks most of the time, and we all ate at our own tables to keep our distance. Dave and I put the kids down and stayed later to play games. 

Walked in on this cuteness <3 He's so excited to be a big brother. He doesn't voice that emotion, but it's easy to tell through his actions and conversation topics of choice.

Sunday was the Gerber Thanksgiving. In the morning the kids watched Cars 2 while Dave and I crafted and did our own things (I made nametags for dinner). They very rarely watch TV (sort of a conscious choice, but mostly we're just not really a TV watching family that much), so it was a nice treat for them and a lovely break for us! My parents hosted a dinner for our family, and everyone except Aly could make it, so there were 11 of us all together. Hard to keep your indoor gatherings small when your immediate family is big! Mom bought a second set of marble works to add to the set we grew up with, so now Opa helped Dom build a mega marble works. For dinner everyone contributed something, and we had... turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, candied yams, brussels sprouts, roasted root vegetables, stoofpeertjes, and chocolate/salted caramel ice cream for dessert. NOM NOM! Again, we put the kids down there, and stayed late to play some games and hang out and catch up. We ended up staying out til 11. Way past my bedtime! :)

Uncle Jeff & Aunty Marta picked up these little chocolate ice cream cone lollipops as a special treat for the kids! Yummy!

Yesterday was another quiet day where we just stayed home. We did some colouring, had Costco lasagna for dinner, cleaned behind our couch, went for a sunny family walk, and then Dave and I watched a movie in the evening. Relaxing!

Dom was colouring this turkey and asked, "Mommy, what's that thing beside its beak?" I told him I wasn't sure, and he says, "I think that's its uterus." Haha mayyybe.......?

Checking out some Halloween stuff. Dom preferred to stay on this side of the road with me :)

How to get a toddler to keep walking! Give him a job!

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