Wednesday 7 October 2020

Kids Say

 Been too long! Kids are hilarious and they make me laugh every day. Here are a few of the hundreds of awesome things they've shared over the last few months

Emilia sees me changing. 

E: Me not have those?
Me: What, boobs?
E: Ya. Me not have boobs. Me boobs GONE!!

Dom trying to talk about going go-karting someday: Daddy, I can wear my bike helmet when we go pod racing!

Sitting outside on the deck with just Dom and I. Chatting about nonsense and then...
D: Mommy, what's overwhelmed?
Me: To me overwhelmed is when there is so much going on and I can't handle it all in my brain. What do you think overwhelmed is?
D: I'm overwhelmed when my....... what's in my forehead?
Me: Your brain?
D: ya. I'm overwhelmed when my brain is tired. 
*Such a good 3-year old's description of such a complex feeling. 

D talking about above dinosaur picture: He is married!
Me: Oh, how do you know?
D: I know everything

D: Mommy, do you know what booboo chicken means?
Me: ..... no?
D: It means the car seat is in the wrong seat.

D: Sam (Volkenant) says all kinds of funny things
Me: Oh ya? Like what? 
D: Poopoop in the hat!

No one ever: ......
His response for so many things is Scooboop. He calls us Scooboop. We have no idea what it means. 

Dave prompts the kids to try guess my favorite animal at the zoo. They're both guessing 'til I finally say yes. 
Me: Now what do you think Daddy's favorite animal is? 
D: Hmm... it'll have to be a creepy one... the alligator!

While Dave is away I am not doing the compost bin because of the smell and early pregnancy not mixing well. So I'm putting everything in the garbage. No need to shame me though, Dom is doing a good enough job at that. 
D: Mommy, you put banana peels in the black bin. Mommy, that's not the rules. Mommy, you made God sad because he said banana peels go in the green bin and you put them in the black bin. 

Me: I saw a BIG dragon fly in our house yesterday! So cool!
Emilia runs to sliding door: Me close it screen.
Me: Ya, that will keep them out!
E: Ya. No more baby dragons in house!

D after walking down the stairs: Mommy, my farts came walking with me. 

The news: ... a surprising forecast for Colorado...
D: He he he!!! She said avocado!

Me: Emilia, what do you want for Christmas?
E: Mmm.... Darth Vader.

Dom smelling peanut butter: Mm, it smells good! It smells like pepperoni!

D: Mommy, why do we need mouths? 
Me: So we can eat and talk
D: But elephants can't talk!

A song comes on Spotify
D: No mommy, change the song, I don't like this song!
Me: What, why?
D: Because Sherlock will make that strange screeching bark!
He meant howling, because there's one song Sherlock howls to. It was not that song...

Me: Emilia, what would you like for Christmas?
E: Ummmm... a new house! *points finger dramatically* Me have to have that. 

Emilia started drawing a picture of our family, and then started scribbling on everyone. 
E: Now covered in dog hair!
She knows what's up! Hahaha

Some things Dom says incorrectly I never want to correct:

Windshield wipers - winschers
Hand Sanitizer - hanitizer

I'm sure there are many more that I'm blanking on now haha

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