Monday 13 May 2019

Weekend - Heat, Mother's Day & the ZOO!

A full weekend equals a sleepy Renee!

Friday and Saturday were hot! Lots of outside time and lounging on the couch. 

Nice night for some "What do you Meme" and beer on our balcony. I need to step up my selfie game haha.

He looks like such a big boy in this hat. Let it be known that this is an adult's hat that we fitted about halfway with the velcro at the back. Dom's head is ginormous.

It's been 3 years since I've been able to wear all my dresses. First year I was pregnant, second year I was either breastfeeding or pregnant. Last year I was breastfeeding. I've had this dress for probably 8-10 years and it's still one of my favorites. I only have one or two other "every day" summer dresses. I'll need to fix that! I just hate shopping.

Hard part about having a new walker in hot weather? Skinned knees. Good part? ADORABLE clothes.

There was a fire at an abandoned house just up Fraser Highway from us, so I took Dom up to see the firetrucks. There were 4 firetrucks and 2 police cars there. Dom wouldn't let us leave until the firetrucks all drove away. Luckily they were just wrapping up, so we only stood there awkwardly for like 15 minutes. Some nice firemen also waved across the street at Dom, but of course that made him freeze haha.

Sunday was Mother's Day. My first two Mother's Days were duds. David in the hospital with appendicitis, and then having a 4 day old baby! He did make up for it last year with his EXTREMELY thoughtful gift. It won't be topped :).This one was not a dud, other than I wasn't feeling great most of the day. 

In the morning Dave had set out some scratch & wins around the house where I would stumble across them throughout my morning routine. I won $42! 

Plus one more in Emilia's room he had slid under the door.

We went to the first half of the 11:00 service at church because Rebecca was being baptized :). Only the first half because... well... grumpy kids needed a nap!


After church we had David's family over for lunch, for which I didn't have to do anything!! We had sandwiches, potato salad, vegetables and mimosas. Great work gentlemen! As a bonus, David did 99% of the work getting the house ready for having people over. I didn't have to ask him to do anything. He was just buzzing around doing all the stuff that needed to be done. The whole day was like that. He really nailed the whole "acts of service" thing. 

I can't believe she's almost 10 months already!! She's so cute in her little heart dress <3

Our couch has been the backdrop for many a family photo.

Look at this handsome man working in the kitchen :)

Mimosa cheers! Second best part of this lunch? Both my kids were sound asleep upstairs.

This morning Janine and I set up a date to go to the Zoo. Very happy it wasn't the 28 degree weather we'd been having, it was cloudy, sunny and mild. I have the zoo pass from Emilia's birthday. The gift that keeps on giving! We were there from 9-noon. Sometime soon we'll have to go in the afternoon when the animals are a bit more up-and-at-em. The kids don't care though. Dom called most animals "bunny" anyway. 

Me pointing to lion laying in the grass: What's that Dom?!

They were just as happy playing with rocks and running around. That's exactly what the zoo pass is for, though. There's no stress and it doesn't matter (to me) that we didn't see the grizzly, or the tiger, or the cheetah, or the cougar, or the reptiles. We stopped for a couple snack breaks. One was right in front of the zebras, but I neglected to take a picture, and the kids were more into their food than the zebras anyway. Dom fumbled his way through (literally through) his first fruit-roll-up. Who puts paper in yummy snacks anyway?! Haha

Did a little exploring before Janine got there. Yes... Dom played with the "Mustang" much of the time. He insisted we bring it along. Allana brought it over on Sunday and he hasn't let it out of his sight. To the park, to the zoo, on our walks.

I wish Dom was into this photo. Next time. Too busy picking his nose. He was thrilled with all the statue animals though.

Emilia seeing the black bears. I think the black bears are the friendliest animals at the zoo. They're curious and playful and they come right up to the fence quite often!

So close to a perfect photo :)

She's squealing and talking to the bear. She also happens to be licking the fence. #secondchildproblems.

Dom kept asking Jaia to run with him. They wandered off to play with gravel together at the bear enclosure. He was so excited to see her. She was more excited to see Emilia who was a total lump the whole time. Dom will have to do!

They wanted to ride in the stroller together so for a while I carried Emilia and pushed these two in the stroller. My arm got a little tired, but I'm grateful for my mom-bicep. I literally have a visible bicep on my left arm and nothing on my right, from situations exactly like this. I should probably work on that. At one point I also had Jaia and Emilia in the stroller seats and Dom sitting on the front piece where the feet go. Should have gotten a picture of that :)

Bad photo, but this peacock was in full display mode! In other news, Dom now has a new animal noise... Have you ever heard a peacock? Not cute... 
Dom also saw the white peacock and went to go see it. He was quite a ways away from me and couldn't hear (didn't listen) when I asked him to stop and wait. He got a little close to the bird for my comfort, and the bird's. It was also in full display mode and started posturing to Dom. Oops... No harm done in the end.

Before heading home we stopped at the playground. Dom climbed up this structure all on his own, which was brave enough for me. Then he came up to the swirly slide and just went! That's the first time he's ever done it. Usually he'd stand at the top and say, "No mommy." Maybe he was just showing off for Jaia.

People probably don't think Janine exists. Here is proof! There must have been a smudge on my screen that makes it look like this picture was taken in the 1960's.

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