Sunday 13 May 2018

Lately - May 9-13

Happy Mother's Day! Last year David was in the hospital with Appendicitis. This year I have a 5 day old baby... David and I decided we will postpone our Mother's Day celebrations. 

Well... let's just say life has been a blur lately! I have so many new pictures on my phone, but no time to structure a blog post for them. Here is the unload!

I'm still working on the birth story blog, but here is one of the first pictures taken of our little Emilia, born May 9.

Just about to leave the hospital!

Dom's first time meeting his new baby sister

Lots of visitors the first few days!

We've been working on the soother, but mostly she's offended by it.

Sherlock & Dom are closer than ever.

Hooray for wine!!! I've missed you.

We need to get a photo of Omama, Oma, me, and Emilia. 4 Generations. There is a photo with my Great Oma, Oma, Mom & myself when I was an infant too. 

Dave took Dom grocery shopping and let him lead the way. He went to the dog food aisle and started pointing at all the "Buppaaaaaas"

Our first (and only) outing so far to Uncle Arie's for a quick dine & dash!


She already looks so different! So much more alert at times.

Dom grabbed an apple and started eating it for the first time. We have always cut up his fruit, so it was pretty funny to watch.

Emilia sitting with Aunty Rachel & her soon-to-be cousin! Due July 10!!!

Couldn't ask for anything more this Mother's Day.

We are pretty blessed! Although I must say I'm terrified for David to go back to work and it just be me and the two kids... I don't know how I'll manage!

My first Mother's Day as a Mom of 2! 

And I leave you with this photo of reality... This is what life is really like when you have a 5-day old newborn and a toddler and it's 30 degrees outside. You pass out looking like a fat slob all spread eagle with your gut hanging out on the couch. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE the picture of you and your two babies!!! So so cute. And love the reality picture as well haha. A poster picture for the early post-partum days. You are doing so well already and I'm so excited to come home and meet her!!!
