Thursday 14 March 2019

Thankful Thursday - 173

1. Dom's gentle heart. At Tot Romp this week Katrina had to go to the bathroom with Henry. Dom caught my eye walking around with a green water bottle, and walked over to Sam, who was sitting on a ride-on car staring through the window after Katrina. He was cautiously, but persistently offering Sam the water. I was kind of confused until Sam turned around and I realized he was really upset that Katrina was gone. Then it hit me, Dom was just trying to make him feel better, offering him some water, space and comfort. Oh my heart!

I don't think I could possibly love his Chandler smile any more.

He loves to sit quietly and play by himself. Lost him at David's parents' this week and he was int he toy room sitting on a little chair, playing with this house toy and chewing his sweater. My little introvert <3

Starting to get into arts and crafts a bit more, which is an awesome time killer! I was able to clean the counters, windows, and water table while he painted and stamped away.

2. David is getting some work. It's still a slower than usual for this time of year, but last weekend Dave had a change of heart and a major boost of motivation and attitude. Things are hopefully starting to look up!

He takes pretty pictures of pretty houses :)

Yay Daddy! Also yay for deciding oatmeal is now a finger food and messy sensory experience.

3. Family to support us. Dave and I are going away this weekend for TWO NIGHTS WITH NO KIDS!!! We haven't been away from home since Emilia at all, and only for one night, two times since Dom. I. Cannot. Wait. I'm hoping to relax, be selfish, sleep in(?), and feel refreshed for parenting again when we get back. My parents are taking Emilia and Sherlock for the weekend, and David's parents are taking Dom. I'm so grateful they have all been so willing to help out.

4. Healthy Babies. I am so so so so grateful for our health this week. A local mom I follow on Facebook and Instagram had her baby about 16 months ago at just shy of 24 weeks. I've been following baby London's journey since, and celebrated with them when she got to go home from the hospital. London is currently in the hospital, originally with pneumonia, and is the sickest kid in BC. There is a lot of uncertainty about whether or not she'll pull through, but there are thousands of people praying across the country for this family. My heart is breaking for them, and I cannot imagine what they're going through, or what baby London is going through being completely reliant on machines to keep her alive right now. Many tears have definitely been shed, but I am forever thankful for our current state of blessed health. 

I don't even personally know these people, but I feel so invested in their journey for some reason.

5. Family Birthdays. March is definitely the busiest birthday month for our family, both immediate and extended. It feels like every day there are birthday wishes! We celebrated Mom's 52nd, Jeff's 32nd, and David's 28th birthday with a dinner on Sunday at Mom & Dad's. Emilia had a perfect nap there when we got there (gives me hope for the weekend when she stays there), and Dom got to go to the park!

Of course we brought (and forgot) his tracks

Jeff giving Dom a "Pookie Pookie Beat" to dance to

Put your arms WAYYYYY up to the sky!

And wayyyy down to your toes!

And dance the shimmy shimmy shake!

Thankful that Dom loves books! This definitely is what limits our TV time at home.

A rare photo of Dad

We have a similar picture of Dom from last Fall.

Hard to tell in these photos, but he's changed so much in the last 6 months!

Scott thought he was going to go down the slide with Dom, but then Dom took off on his own. What a brave boy!

Less than 5 months until wedding day :)

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